
Victory Clash - Rivals Tournament

Introduction On Sunday the 23rd of February, I set off for the Victory Clash in Havant, a small town near Portsmouth in the South of England. This was to be a small local Rivals tournament that my friend Harry (aka Slippy) had told me about. Preparation Up until now, in second edition, I have been playing the Emberwatch combined with Blazing Assault and Reckless Fury , but I have been wanting to try something new. For this tournament, I decided to use Cyreni's Razors with Countdown to Cataclysm  (C2C), both a deck and warband I had not really considered before. In the first edition, I played primarily with Lady Harrow's Mournflight, a quick, hard hitting but fragile warband. I like this style of play and have been looking for a warband that works in a similar way. My Razors In the week before the tournament, I went to my local club, in Redhill, to try-out/practise with the Razors. I played two games.  The first was against the Gorechosen of Dromm with Reckless Fury. I ultima...

Cyreni's Razors - Warband Review

  Introduction My Razors Cyreni's Razors are an Idoneth warband searching the Underworlds for soul-essence to save their people. Cyreni of the Abyss [1], accompanied by her Spirit guardian, Cephanyr [2] and her two Namarti thralls, Renglaith [3] and Alathyrr [4] are searching for the souls need to save her race Fighter Characteristics Cyreni is the leader of the Razors. She has a Movement of 4, a Save of 1 Block, 4 Health and a Bounty of 2. She has two melee weapon attack profiles. The first is range 1, 2 Hammers for 2 damage. The second, is range 2, 2 Hammers for 1 damage. Upon inspiration, she gains Movement 5 and each of her attack profiles improves to 3 Hammers. Overall, a modest boost for her inspiration. Cephanyr, Cyreni's Spirit Guardian, a creature of the deep ethersea. He has a Move of 3, a Save of 1 Dodge, 4 Health and a Bounty of 2. It has a single melee attack of range 1, 3 Swords, for 2 damage. In addition, Cephanyr can fly. Upon inspiration, Chephanyr gains a Move...

Reckless Fury - Deck Review

Introduction Unleash unrelenting aggression with the Reckless Fury Rivals deck, a high-risk, high-reward playstyle designed for those who thrive in the heat of battle. This deck is all about relentless charges, brutal attacks, and an all-or-nothing approach to victory. Playstyle: Strike Plot card: No The Objectives The Objective deck is made up of 12 cards, 6 Surges and 6 End Phase for a total of 16 Glory. 1. Aim for the Top - End Phase - Glory 1  Score if the total Bounty of slain and/or damaged enemy fighters is four or more.  A relatively easy card to score, especially against more elite warbands. Simply deal out some damage but remember to spread it around. Later in the game, I tend to find I have scored this card as soon as I draw it (of course I have to wait until the End Phase to claim the Glory). The main downsides are that it is only 1 Glory and in the first Round it can be a little dice dependent, as you need some luck to deal the damage, especially against horde w...