Warhammer Underworlds - Playing upgrades to score glory.

As I finished this article, the new Underworlds information was released.... still, please take a read. As I continue to explore pairings for Lady Harrows Mournflight, I began to think about Malevolent Mask, Rimelock Relics and Toxic Terrors. Each of these decks use upgrades to score Objectives cards to a greater or lesser extent. This then leads to the idea of Seed Glory (the initial one or two points of glory needed to access the Power deck, and then to score the Objectives). Rimelocked Relics Recently, at my local gaming club and in the few tournaments I have attended, I have seen a lot of Rimelocked Relics. Equally, I have tried the deck myself (paired with Magore's Fiends - Nemesis Deck Library) and have found that it pairs well with aggressive warbands. Why do I state this? A number of the Objective cards,within the deck, require your fighters to be holding Objective tokens in enemy territory and/or to have enemy fighters out of action. In addition, some Objectives require fi...