
Hobby Goals - August 24

For the first few weeks of August, I was away on holiday and, as such, did no hobby activities. Painting Having completed all the available Warhammer Underworlds warbands last month, I moved on to reducing my pile of shame by painting more of my Gloomspite Gitz. Last month, I had started a unit of ten Squig Hoppers. With these complete, I moved on to the second half of a unit of Squigs with their herder. I had four Squigs and one herder to paint. For both units, I used my " How I Paint – Moonclan Grots " and " How I Paint – Squigs " guides. In addition to painting, I built a random group of miniatures, including: Two Pusgoyle Blightlords Three Fiends of Slaanesh Five Loonsmasha Fanatics Five Blood Warriors Five Blood Reavers As my painting is not very focused at the moment, these miniatures will give me some options over the next few weeks. Gaming This month, I managed to play eight games of Warhammer Underworlds. I have been practicing for an upcoming tournament. P

Hobby Goals - July '24

  July came around, and I had one goal in mind: to paint my 58th Underworlds warband, the Shadeborn. This warband would complete my collection, meaning I had painted all the warbands released to date. Painting When painting the Shadeborn, I wanted them to connect with my other Daughters of Khaine warband. However, they needed to be distinct since they are Khanites rather than Witch Aelves. I used my Daughters of Khaine guide but swapped out the red clothing for purple and burgundy. I finished the warband at the start of the month, meaning I had "nothing" left to paint. Although my pile of shame has significantly reduced over the last two years, I decided to buy ten Squig Hoppers to complete my Gloomspite Gitz spearhead. As I am batch painting the unit, it is taking some time, but the basecoats and shades are nearly done. I got a little bored with the Squig Hoppers and decided to paint a few more Nighthaunts. I built and painted five Bladeheist Revenants over a couple of days

Hobby Goals - June 2024

At the start of June, I had two remaining Warhammer Underworlds warbands: the Shadeborn and the Brethren of the Bolt. I set myself a goal for the month: to paint at least one of these warbands. Painting I chose to start with the Brethren of the Bolt, a five-miniature warband. Having played Warhammer for many years, I envisioned my Brethren adorned in the blues of Azyr, inspired by the Celestial wizards of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I aimed for a variety of blue robes to avoid a uniform look. As usual, I began with the most basic miniature, Acolyte Arcus, to establish the color palette for the entire warband. Once satisfied, I progressed through the other miniatures, culminating in painting the leader, Pater Filius. The Brethren of the Bolt By the end of June 2024, I had successfully ' painted a Warhammer Underworlds warband ' once again (for a total of 43 miniature so far this year). Only one warband remained: the four fighters of the Shadeborn. Additionally, I purchased a pair

Hobby Goals - May 2024

In May, I had one primary goal, which was to finishing painting three Warhammer Underworlds warbands. These were: The Crimson Court, Skittershank's Clawpack and Daggok's Stab-ladz. I had started all the warbands in previous months. I began by turning my attention to the Crimson Court. I had already completed Gorath and Ennias, and I always paint the leaders last, so this left me Vellas Von Faine. I wanted to keep the warbands theme colours of red and black, but also emphasis the individual nature of this vampire. With Vellas complete, I moved onto Prince Duvalle. I continued with the theme of bright steel armour, edged with bronze and complemented with red (crimson) cloth. With Duvalle and Vellas complete, I had completed ' Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband '. Prince Duvalle and Vellas Von Feine With the Crimson Court, I moved onto the Skittershank's Clawpack. I again had two fighters that needed painting. Skittershank, himself and Kreep. For these miniatures, I

My Fifth Warhammer Underworlds Tournament - Agents of Sigmar Wintermaw Clash 2024

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page  for more articles. On May 11th, I participated in my fifth Warhammer Underworlds tournament, hosted by Pete and Robin of the Agents of Sigmar. The venue was once again the Gamers Guild in Redhill. In recent months, I've experimented with a variety of warbands, but for this tournament, I chose  Lady Harrow's Mournfligh t  once more. This time, however, I brought a new deck I had never used before, which I've dubbed 'Savage Scream,' pairing the Mournflight with Tooth and Claw. The deck list can be found over on my  Nemesis Deck Library . Game 1 In the first game, I faced Jon and his Plaguepack. Skabbik was teamed with Voidcurse Thralls. The game started well; I aimed to inspire my banshees and score some objectives (including Inescapable Hunger ) in the first round, managing to kill Itchitt. This provided the glory needed to upgrade a few fighters and inspire some banshees. Jon scored a few objectives and inspired hi

Hobby Goals - April 2024

  Painting April rolled around and the 'clocks' were moved forwards. This provided an additional daylight hour in the evening, I could now paint for longer in the day (I am not a fan of lamp light). I started the the month by painting up Elathain, Ill Fated, which allowed me to complete the Soulraid. Immediately, I could tick off ' Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband '. I wanted to paint Elathain as I was intending to try using this warband in some games. How I paint - Idoneth Next, I wanted to continue working on Zondara's Gravebreakers. I picked up Ferlain and painted this werewolf in a range of dark grey colours. With Ferlain finished, I took a look at Zondara and felt that she was more detailed than I wanted to tackle at that moment. Next I returned to Daggok's Stab-Ladz. I painted up Hurrk, Da Howla before moving onto Jagz, Da Bleeda. I painted these Orruks to match Da' Kunnin Krew. Before I could move onto Daggok a parcel arrived in the post!   Winte

Warhammer Underworlds - Nemesis Deck Library

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds  for more articles. As I start to play more Warhammer Underworlds, I am building up a library of Nemesis decks. All decks have been used with reasonable success. Initially, as with the rest of my blog, this page was just a place to store my different decks but I thought they might be useful to other people. Order Warbands Chosen Axes   Daring Axes  (Daring Delvers)           Skaeth's Wild Hunt Breakneck Kurnothi (Breakneck Slaughter) ☆☆☆ Hoof and Claw (Tooth and Claw) ☆☆☆ Myari's Purifiers  Shocking Purity (Seismic Shock) Starblood Stalkers Rimelocked Stalkers (Rimelocked Stalkers)   Elathain's Soulraid Cold Soulraid (Force of Frost) ☆☆ Xandire's Truthseekers Savage Truth (Tooth and Claw)  [Willen Games Clash 23] ☆☆☆ Cold Truth (Force of Frost) ☆☆☆ Fortress of Truth (Fearsome Fortress) Toxic Truth (Toxic Terrors) ☆☆ The Shadeborn Daring Shadeborn (Daring Delvers)   Domitan's Stormcoven Shocking Storm (Seismic Shock) Ice S