
Warhammer Underworlds - Harrowdeep warbands

  Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. For the start of Warhammer Underworlds' fifth season our intrepid warbands are descending beneath the waves of the Shadowseas of the Umbral Veil in the Realm of Ulgu. Harrowdeep is a cavernous labyrinthe beneath the seabed of the Shadowsea constructed by Shadow Daemons using Shadow magic. The warbands trapped within Harrowdeep have but one choice to escape the labyrinth is to delve deeper into the maze.  On a side note this has to be my favourite season, as I like all the warbands.   Xandire's Truthseekers Grand Alliance: Order (Stormcast Eternals) Number of fighters: 4 (Total of 14 wounds) Access to magic: One level 1 wizard Top Cards Objectives: Banish the Dark Blaze of Glory Brave the Darkness Gambits: Advance as One Blazing Arrow Sigmarite Wardens Upgrades: Indomitable Will Keepsake Unfaltering Stride Play Style: Aggro Playing against: Avoid killing any fighter outright to prevent them inspi...

Warhammer Underworlds - Direchasm warbands

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Season 4 of Warhammer Underworld saw our warbands continue to explore the Beastgrave. As the story moved on some of the warbands entered the setting with a quest to seal the mountain. By the end of season 4 most factions for Age of Sigmar now had a warband in Underworlds. Direchasm was a notable season for me as it was released during the first year of the Covid pandemic. The release schedule of the warbands was punishing and I fell behind with my painting. I moved away a little from Warhammer Underworlds and did not really come back until Gnarlwood. As such I have painted some but not all the warbands. This season continues to be a work in progress. Kainan's Reapers Grand Alliance: Death (Ossiarch Bonereapers) Number of fighters: 6 (Total of 17 wounds) Access to magic: One level 1 wizard Top Cards Objectives: Gruesome Certainty  Pride of the Emissarian Caste Created for War Gambits: Exceptional Efficiency ...

Warhammer Underworlds - Beastgrave warbands

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Season 3 of Warhammer Underworlds saw the game shift its setting to the Beastgrave, a living mountain in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts. This season introduced eight warbands to the Underworlds followed by a further two in a little expansion called Dreadfane.  Rippa's Snarlfangs Grand Alliance: Destruction (Gloomspite Gitz) Number of fighters: 3 Access to magic: No wizard Top Cards Objectives: Cruel Hunters Leading the Charge Loaded with Plunder Gambits: Furious Reprisal Narrow Escape Vindictive Attack Upgrades: Bonded Boss Hat Pack Leader Play Style: Aggro Rippa's Snarlfangs are classic fantasy warband of Goblin Wolf-riders. They are an elite-aggro warband with access to excellent faction cards. Even though each fighter outputs small quantities of damage, there extra reaction attacks ensure that you are rolling lots of dice, thereby increasing the reliability. To paint this unit, I used my How I paint Wolves gu...

Warhammer Underworlds - Nightvault warbands

  Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Nightvault was the second season of Warhammer Underworlds. This season saw the game delve into the shadowy depths beneath the city of Shadespire. Mollog's Mob 2.0 Grand Alliance: Destruction (Gloomspite Gitz) Number of fighters: 4 (Total of 12 wounds) Access to magic: No wizard Top Cards Objectives: Block the Enterance Just Too easy Looming Menace Gambits: It's Not Just a Rock! Unnatural Hazards Unsurprising Fear Upgrades: Chuck 'Em In Fresh Menances Grump Play Style: Aggro Mollog's mob saw the introduction of the first 'big' fighter backed up with a menagerie of minions. I have only every used Mollog with my Gloomspite Gitz army in Age of Sigmar, never in the Underworlds. Zarbag's Gitz 2.0 Grand Alliance: Destruction (Gloomspite Gitz) Number of fighters: 9 (Total of 21 wounds) Access to magic: One level 2 wizard Top Cards Objectives: Gitz Everywhere Lurk-Lair Malicious Kill Gambits: Ga...