
End of 2023 hobby goals write up

2023 was a good year for my hobby and hobby goals. The year saw a shift from just painting miniatures back to me playing games and attending tournaments, an aspect of the hobby that I had really missed.  At the start of the year, I set the following goals: Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought. Buy no miniatures in a month. Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband. Paint a kill team. Paint a unit for one of my existing armies. Paint one of each plane and ground defence for Aeronautica Imperialis. As with 2022, my main aim in 2023 was to reduce my pile of shame and stop buying miniatures I was never going to paint.  Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought. I managed to achieve this goal every month during 2023 except January. As a result, I bought a total of 59 miniatures and painted 122. I reduced my pile of shame by 63 miniatures, a very pleasing effort. In additon, this has saved me a substantial quantity of money. Buy no miniatures in a month. Early on in 2023, I de

Hobby Goals - December '23

  ( Red  items were completed this month,  purple  items in previous months) With Christmas approaching, I had one main aim in December, to finish painting Skabbik's Plaguepack. Last month, I had painted four of these pestilent Plague monks, this month, I needed to finish the last two.  I repeated my How I Paint - Clan Pestilens guide, for the final two members of the group: Skabbik and Rabidius. With these miniatures painted, I had managed to paint 16 warbands this year, twice the number released this year. In addition, all the warbands from Gnarlwood and Wrydhollow were now complete. I could again tick off ' Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband '. Earlier in the year, I had started painting Blackpowder's Buccaneers. I had finished all four minions. Now, I just had Gorlok himself to paint. I started on Blackpowder and after a few sessions of painting, he was complete. The 17th warband complete. With the Buccaneers finished, I decided I wanted to paint the remaining

Malevolent Masks - Deck Review

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page  for more articles. The third universal Rivals deck for Deathgorge is Malevolent Masks. The deck is centered around putting masks, a type of upgrade, onto your fighters. The rest of the deck, including gambits and objectives, then interacts with the mask-wearing fighters. So, my first thought on the deck is that in order to equip a fighter with a mask, you need to have scored some Glory. This immediately makes this core component of the deck difficult to use at the beginning of the game. I want to work through the deck with Objectives first, then the Upgrades, specifically the Masks, and finally the Gambits. Objectives When building a deck for Underworlds, I always start by looking at the Surge Objectives. These are the cards that are going to provide me with early Glory that: a) allows me to upgrade my fighters and b) builds up my Glory count allowing me to win! The first Surge Objectives are also Hybrids: Visions of Success , Audacio

How I paint - Daughters of Khaine - Witch Aelves

I am a big fan of Aelves in Warhammer Underworlds. I also like to paint with a classic palette of colours for each race. So far, I have painted my Lumineth in Blue & White and my Kurnothi in Green & Brown. The Daughters of Khaine are effectively a death cult. As such, I wanted to represent this in their paint scheme. My Witch Aelves from Morgwaeth's Blade Coven are going to be painted in Red and Black, which will then be a counter point to my Lumineth.  I was really pleased to have my Blade Coven shown on Warhammer Hobby Round Up back in November of 2020.  More of my  How to paint... articles  can be found here. Paints Required: Wraithbone spray Chaos Black spray Rakarth Flesh Reikland Fleshwash Abaddon Black Mephiston Red Leadbelcher Black Templar Carroburg Crimson Nuln Oil Gloss Ushabti Bone Lahmian Medium  Pallid Wych Flesh Evil Suns Scarlet Wild Rider Red Ironbreaker Stormhost Silver Screaming Bell Reikland Fleshwash Gloss Hashut Copper Sycorax Bronze Corax White Contra

Warhammer Underworlds - Playing Xandire's Truthseekers

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Xandire's Truthseekers are a formidable four-member warband of Stormcast, introduced in the treacherous labyrinth of Harrowdeep. Comprising three stalwart Stormcast warriors and a swift Aetherwing named Taros, they are led by Xandire, a fearsome warrior-wizard with untapped magical potential. While Xandire's magical abilities lie dormant in their battles, the warband is known for their aggressive playstyle, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Xandire - The Leader: Although Xandire possesses magical abilities, her role in this warband leans more towards close combat. She wields a fearsome three-smash, two-damage attack with the Cleave ability. Dhoraz - The Big Hitter: Dhoraz is the warband's powerhouse, dealing devastating blows to enemy fighters. While his sacrifice may be necessary at times, his Scything attack (when inspired) can wreak havoc on multiple foes. Stormrider - The Arc