How I paint - Chaos Daemons - Bloodletters of Khorne
One of the four Chaos gods, is Khorne, who has his own set of daemonic minions. The Bloodletters are the most numerous of these Khornate daemons. When, I first set out to paint these daemons, I wanted a reasonably quick method, to put a Khorne daemon army together, I was going to need a 'few' of these little monsters. Additional guides painting guides: Juggernauts of Khorne Fleshhounds of Khorne Paints Required: Chaos Black spray Khorne Red Mephiston Red Army Painter Red Tone Carroburg Crimson Rhinox Hide Druchii Violet Lahmian Medium Evil Suns Scarlet Wild Rider Red Trollslayer Orange Screaming Skull Pallid Wych Flesh Abaddon Black Warpfiend Grey Dawnstone Leadbelcher Warplock Bronze Brass Scorpion Nuln Oil Agrax Earthshade Eshin Grey Xerus Purple Runelord Brass Fire Dragon Bright Yriel Yellow Lamenters Yellow Bloodletter Begin by undercoating the miniature with Chaos Black spray. The miniature was then painted all over with watered-down Khorne Red (water: pa...