
How I paint - Chaos Daemons - Bloodletters of Khorne

  One of the four Chaos gods, is Khorne, who has his own set of daemonic minions. The Bloodletters are the most numerous of these Khornate daemons. When, I first set out to paint these daemons, I wanted a reasonably quick method, to put a Khorne daemon army together, I was going to need a 'few' of these little monsters. Additional guides painting guides: Juggernauts of Khorne   Fleshhounds of Khorne   Paints Required: Chaos Black spray Khorne Red Mephiston Red Army Painter Red Tone Carroburg Crimson Rhinox Hide Druchii Violet Lahmian Medium Evil Suns Scarlet Wild Rider Red Trollslayer Orange Screaming Skull Pallid Wych Flesh Abaddon Black Warpfiend Grey Dawnstone Leadbelcher Warplock Bronze Brass Scorpion Nuln Oil Agrax Earthshade Eshin Grey Xerus Purple Runelord Brass Fire Dragon Bright Yriel Yellow  Lamenters Yellow Bloodletter Begin by undercoating the miniature with Chaos Black spray. The miniature was then painted all over with watered-down Khorne Red (water: paint 1:3). B

Hobby Goals - October '23

  ( Red  items were completed this month,  purple  items in previous months) Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds  for more articles. Checkout my  How to paint... articles  can be found here. Checkout my  Hobby Goals  for more articles As October arrived, the new season of Warhammer Underworlds, Deathgorge, was released. I immediately preordered the boxset and as a result purchased seven new miniatures. I now had a target number of miniatures to paint this month! I started out by painting Dromm from the Gorechosen. He was then swiftly followed by Skullgrinder Herax. Many months earlier I had painted the Gorehulk so I had now finished the warband. When painting this warband, I used my How I paint guides for both the Bloodletters and the Juggernauts of Khorne  to provide the colours for the Gorehulk's skin and the metallics of the warband, respectively. With this warband, I could tick off  'Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband'. While I was waiting for my copy of Deathgorge t

Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Skaeth's Wild Hunt

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful.  I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them. I hope you enjoy. Basic Premise of the Deck  The Wild Hunt embodies a group of Kurnothi Hunters reminiscent of the legendary Wood Elves of old. This warband balances fragility with remarkable speed, requiring precise coordination to dismantle enemy figh

Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Force of Frost

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful.  I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them. I hope you enjoy. Basic Premise of the Deck Force of Frost, one of the Rivals decks from the Deathgorge core box set, offers two distinct playstyles - a heavy reliance on magic or a complete disregard for it. In this set of Top Picks, we'll focus on