
How to paint Sacrosanct Stormcast Eternals - Hallowed Knights

  During the Age of Sigmar, the Stormcast Eternals are the main force of Order in the Mortal Realms. With each new edition of the game, a new set of Stormcast miniatures have been released. I have mainly been painting Stormcast for Warhammer Underworlds but I am starting to branch out into Warcry. So far I have completed: the Farstriders, Steelheart's Champions, the Cursebreakers and Ironsoul's Condemnors. Currently, I am working my way through the Storm of Celestus. When Age of Sigmar was first released I got my first Stormcast miniature in White Dwarf. Then reading through the Realm Gate War books, I found the Hallowed Knights battling the forces of Nurgle in the realm of Ghyran.  I have continued to paint my Stormcast as Hallowed Knights ever since. For the Second Edition of the Age of Sigmar, the Sacrosanct Chamber was opened. This guide is my take on the Sacrosanct Stormcast Eternals of the Hallowed Knights.  My other Stormcast painting guides include: Aetherwings Gryph-ho

How I Paint - Hexbane's Hunter - Trailhounds

Pock's faithful companions, Grotbiter and Ratspike and a pair of large dogs. I wanted to paint mine as Rottweilers with the distinctive back and brown further. To determine the position of the black and brown fur on the dog, I searched for images on the internet.  This is my guide for they miniatures, it could also be used for the dogs from the Warcry warband, Wildercorps Hunters. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Eshin Grey Abaddon Black XV-88 Reikland Fleshshade Balor Brown Mournfang Brown Boltgun Metal Agrax Earthshade Skrag Brown Pallid Wych Flesh The dog was undercoated with Chaos Black spray . The dogs were then given a basecoat of Abaddon Black . This was applied over the entire miniature. The dog was then highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Eshin Grey and Abaddon Black . A further highlight, using the previous mix with additional Eshin Grey , was then applied.  To paint the brown patches, XV-88 was then applied to the dogs muzzle, feet, and chest. Ensure the edges of the patc

Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Seismic Shock

    Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful.  I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them. I hope you enjoy. Basic Premise of the Deck Seismic Shock, featured in the Wyrdhollow core box set, is a formidable Rivals deck focused on leveraging the power of wizards to control objectives. This deck is laden with spells designed to inflict damag

Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Tooth and Claw

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful.  I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them. I hope you enjoy. Basic premise of the Deck The Tooth and Claw deck, featured in the Gnarlwood core box set, is a formidable Aggro deck designed for dominating your opponent's territory through precise attacks and swift movement. In this guide, we

Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Magore's Fiends

  Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles.   Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful.  I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them. I hope you enjoy. Basic Premise of the Deck Magore's Fiends, a fierce band of Khornate Blood Warriors, are masters of aggression, hell-bent on dispatching opponents swiftly without concern for objectives. They epitomize the purest form of Aggro p