
Probability in Warhammer Underworlds - Part 3 Magic

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles.   This is part 3 of a little series on Probability in Warhammer Underworlds. I am continuing my look at how the probability of dice rolls in Warhammer Underworlds impacts the use and roles of individual fighters. Today, I am looking into magic dice. I have always like wizards but I keep hearing that magic is not that good in Underworlds. I need to investigate... Magic dice Magic dice were introduced into Underworlds, for the second season, Nightvault and have made a come back in Gnarlwood and Wrydhollow.  These blue dice  have 6 sides and 3 unique symbols. The Critical appears once, the Focus appears twice and the Channel appears three times on each dice. With a single dice roll  there is a 1/6 chance  (16.67%)  of a Critical being rolled. There is also a 5/6 chance that Critical will not be rolled. This is really important for calculating the chance of success with multiple dice. A 2/6 chance  (33.33%)  of a Focus

How to paint Nighthaunts - Extra details

I recently published a How I paint Nighthaunts guide based on the Chainrasps. This guide covers many of the basics I have used to paint my Nighthaunts army. When, I began to paint more interesting characters and units, I needed new recipes to deal with the different aspects of each unit. These are some of the extra details I have used. Green spirit energy Basecoat with Ulthuan Grey . Then was with Biel-Tan Green . When this was dry wash with Lamenters Yellow . Then wash with Hexwraith Flame . Highlight with Moot Green . Finally, finish with minimal highlights with Pallid Wych Flesh . Sword of Stolen Hours The sword blade was given a basecoat of Caliban Green over a Chaos Black undercoat. Heavily watered down Warpstone Green was then applied to the top two- thirds of the blade. When this was fully dry, a second coat was applied to the top half of the blade. Then heavily watered down Moot Green was applied to the top third of the blade. Again, when this was fully dry, a second coa

Probability in Warhammer Underworlds - Part 2 Defending

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles.   This is part 2 of a little series on Probability in Warhammer Underworlds. A few days ago, I took a look at the probability of a successful attack in Warhammer Underworlds. However, for an attack to be truly successful it has to beat the opponents defence and cause damage. The black defence dice in Underworlds have 6 sides and 5 unique symbols. The Block symbol, or 'shield' is the symbol that appears on two sides of the die. All of the other symbols only appear once. With a single die defence and no support, the most effective defence is Block. So, how do we calculate this success. Let us consider all of the possible option with one die. When a single dice is rolled there is a 1/6 chance of any particular face being rolled. So there is a 1/6 chance  (16.67%)  of a Crit being rolled. There is also a 5/6 chance that Crit will not be rolled. This is really important for calculating the chance of success with

Probability in Warhammer Underworlds - Part 1 Attacking

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles.   This is part 1 of a little series on Probability in Warhammer Underworlds. I have always been fond of a little bit of Math-hammer. For those not in the know Math-hammer is working out the probability of a particular role in Warhammer games. Getting to grips with probability allows, you to plan you attacks to improve their efficiency. Clearly, this can also be applied to non-Warhammer games. Underworlds has its own unique dice, although they are still 6 sided (d6). So we can use some simple maths to work out the probability of a particular roll. Attack Dice The 'white' (they are different colours in different season, but in the starter box they are white) attack dice in Underworlds have 6 sides and 5 unique symbols. The Smash symbol, or 'hammer' is the symbol that appears on two sides of the die. All the other symbols only appear once. With a single die attack and no support, the most accurate attac

How I paint - Stormcast Ethernals - Aetherwings

I have been adding miniatures to my Warhammer Underworlds warbands to convert them into Warcry warbands. I started first with the Farstriders and added some Gryph-hounds. The leader of the Farstriders has a Star Falcon on his wrist. I wanted to continue the bird theme through the rest of the warband, so I added the Aetherwings. I decided to paint the Aetherwings blue, to fit in with the Realm of Heavens, Azyr. So, I did some research on the Internet and found some pictures of parrots to use as a guide for colours. Real life examples can help to make you creatures more believable. If you are after bright colours, consider tropical animals. The Aetherwings were painted sub-assembled. The bird was painted separately from the tree stump. To paint the tree stump, I used my How to paint terrain - Dead Wood guide. My other Stormcast painting guides include: Aetherwings Gryph-hounds Stormcast Eternals - Hallowed Knights Paints required: Mechanicum Standard Grey spray Kantor Blue Thousand Sons