
Hobby Goals - June '23

( Red  items were completed this month,  purple  items in previous months) May '23                                                                                                      July '23 In June, my main focus remained on working through my Warhammer Underworlds warbands, and it has been a rewarding endeavor throughout this year. While I still have a backlog of warbands to paint, I've decided to prioritize the latest releases and work my way back through the different seasons. To kick off the month, I was thrilled to preorder the new Nighthaunt warband, the Headman's Curse. Consequently, my goal was to paint at least four miniatures from this warband. I began by completing the remaining two members of Domitan's Stormcoven: Sarpon, the Cyclone, and Leonus Stratosi. Adhering to my customary Hallow Knights paint scheme, I added the finishing touches to these miniatures. With these two beautifully painted additions, I could proudly check off the task of " Pai

Hobby Goals - May 23

( Red  items were completed this month,  purple  items in previous months) April '23                                                                                                      June '23 In the month of May, there were some exciting developments in my Warhammer Underworlds journey. One of the highlights was the release of Wyrdhollow, which I eagerly pre-ordered. As a result, I ended up purchasing eight new miniatures this month. To maintain my personal goal of " Painting more miniatures in a month than are bought ," I now have the task of painting at least nine miniatures in June. Last month, I completed painting Draknar from the Despoilers. I then shifted my focus to the four Ungor miniatures in the warband. To bring their fur and flesh to life, I followed my trusty "How I Paint Gors" guide. After finishing the Ungor miniatures, I tackled the leader of the Despoilers, Grashrak himself. This marked a significant milestone as I could proudly check off

Hobby Goals - April 2023

( Red  items were completed this month,  purple  items in previous months) March '23                                                                                                        May '23 At the end of March, I decided that I needed to start working through my backlog of Warhammer Underworlds miniatures. I have stopped buying miniatures for other games, for now, and I am trying to get some warbands painted up before any more are released. As such, I began the month by painting three members of Grinkrak's Looncourt: Snorbo Da Spore, Moonface Nagz and Pointy Burk. While, I was painting these grots, I also painted a squig herder. For all the Moonclan grots, I used my How I Paint Moonclan grots guide. I then wanted to paint up the squig rider, Prod da Wonky Lance from Grinkrak's Looncourt. For painting the squig, I used my How I Paint Squigs guide . After this miniature, I need to change to something other than Goblins.   I am jumping around between different paint

Army Collection - Oathmark - Orcs and Goblins

I intend for this article to be a work in progress. Having discovered Oathmark a few months ago, I started to build an Orc and Goblin army. My choice was based around the fact that I have never had an Orc and Goblin army (although I have just started building a Gloomspite Gitz army). With this in mind, I started to plan a Kingdom for my army.  The first 550pts In the Oathmark rulebook, it recommends learning to play the game with a force totalling 550pts. This sized force can be built with one or two boxes of Oathmark miniatures, each costing around £25 but you can find them at a reduced price on the internet. The first purchase I made for the army was a single frame of Goblin Infantry from eBay. I immediately built these as miniatures as five Goblin Soldiers. The idea was to see if: a) I liked these models and b) to work out a paint scheme. How I Paint - Goblin Infantry   After finishing these five miniatures, I bought a box of Goblin Infantry and built another fifteen Goblin Soldie

How I paint Wolves - Oathmark

Wolves have been a common feature of fantasy stories and fairy tales for many years. When I first read the Hobbit, I came across the idea of goblin wolf riders. Having bought a set of Goblin Wolf Riders for Oathmark, I decided I wanted dark grey wolves and that I also wanted to give the miniatures the impression of being furred. This is my method. Other Oathmark - How I paint guides: Goblin Infantry Elven Infantry D warven Infantry. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Abaddon Black Mechanicum Standard Grey Dawnstone Administratum Grey Grey Seer Nuln Oil Lahmian Medium Xereus Purple Screamer Pink Druchii Violet Cadian Fleshtone Bugmans Glow Zandri Dust Ushabti Bone Screaming Skull Matt White (AP) Averland Sunset I began by undercoating the wolves with Chaos Black spray . 1. The upper side of the wolf was painted with a 1:1 mix of  Abaddon Black  and  Mechanicum Standard Grey . To the underside of the wolf, I applied a coat or two of Mechanicum Standard Grey . With each wolf I varied how

How I Paint - Legions Imperialis - Sons of Horus Green

Paints required: Chaos Black spray Mechanicum Standard Grey Lupercal Green Sons of Horus Green Coelia Greenshade Ulthuan Grey Abaddon Black Leadbelcher Corax White Balthasar Gold Eshin Grey Gryph-Charger Grey Nuln Oil Mephiston Red Evil Suns Scarlet Wild Rider Red I began by giving the aircraft an undercoat with Chaos Black spray . This was then followed with a light spray of Mechanicum Standard Grey . Then a basecoat of Lupercal Green , thinned with a little water, was applied over the miniature. I used a large drybrush and worked quickly, avoiding returning to panels already covered. When this initial basecoat was fully dry the aircraft was given a second basecoat with Sons of Horus Green (a layer paint). Again, this was thinned with a little water and applied with the medium drybrush. Two or three coats were required to get a nice smooth finish. When the basecoats were full dry, Coelia Greenshade was painted into the recesses and around the panels of the aircraft using a small deta