
Showing posts with the label warhammer underworlds

Borgit's Beastgrabbaz - Warband Review

Introduction Borgit's Beastgrabbaz are the fifth Gloomspite Gitz warband to enter the Underworlds. This group of gitz is searching the Underworlds for Trugg, the Troggoth King. The warband is made up of Borgit Wolf-Killa (1), who leads the Beastgrabbaz. He is accompanied by Snagz (2), Hobblin' Dregg (3), Uglug (4) (a small Troggoth), and Rigg and Sham (5), who dress as a squig and lead Uglug around. Fighter Characteristics Borgit is the leader of the Beastgrabbaz. He has a solid set of characteristics with a Move of 3, a Save of 2 Block, 3 Health, and a Bounty of 2. His attack is Range 1, 2 Hammers, and 2 Damage with Crit Grievous. Upon inspiration, Borgit goes to Move 4 and 3 Hammers on his attack. This is an interesting profile, as, apart from the Health, his characteristics are similar to Ardorn from the Emberwatch. Ardorn is a highly effective fighter, suggesting Borgit will also be—albeit less resilient but with potentially a little more punch! Next up, we have the minions...

Warhammer Underworlds - Nemesis Deck Library

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds  for more articles. As I start to play more Warhammer Underworlds, I am building up a library of Nemesis decks. All decks have been used with reasonable success. Initially, as with the rest of my blog, this page was just a place to store my different decks but I thought they might be useful to other people. Second Edition Warbands Order Warbands Emberwatch Blazing Assault and Reckless Fury (version 1) Blazing Assault and Countdown to Cataclysm Myari's Purifiers Emberstone Sentinels and Countdown to Cataclysm  Chaos Warbands Khagra's Ravagers Emberstone Sentinels and Countdown to Cataclysm   Death Warbands Headsman's Curse Blazing Assault and Reckless Fury   Destruction Warbands _________________________________________________________________ First Edition Warbands Order Warbands Chosen Axes   Daring Axes  (Daring Delvers)           Skaeth's Wild Hunt Breakneck Kurnothi (Breakneck S...

The Jaws of Iztl - Warband Review

Introduction The Jaws of Itzl have descended into the mines of Embergard to prevent the plans of their Slann masters from being disrupted. The aggression of these cold-blood warriors has been peaked by the emotion-riven heat of the Emberstone from deep in the mines. The Jaws of Itzl are made up of  Kro-Jax [1], So-Kar [2], Ro-Tak [3] and the Venomites [4] Fighter Characteristics Each of the three Saurus warriors that make up this warband, Kro-Jax, So-Kar and Ro-Tak, have the same uninspired set of fighter characteristics. A Move of 3, a Save of 1 Block, and 5 Health.  Kro-Jax, the leader, has Bounty of 3 and is armed with a melee weapon (a mace) which is Range 1, 2 Hammers for a mighty 3 Damage. When inspired, his Save improves to 2 Block and his melee weapon improves to 4 Swords, significantly increasing his accuracy. Kro-Jax So-Kar has a Bounty of 2 and is armed with a melee weapon (a club) which is Range 1, 3 Swords for 2 Damage. When inspired... (this is unknown at present...

Countdown to Cataclysm - Deck Review

  The mines of Embergard tremble. Boulders fall hundreds of feet from the exposed cavern ceiling, lava bursts in to once-safe mining shafts, and the very ground collapses, plunging unwary delvers into lethal chasms. The closer one draws to the Emberstone the worse the disturbance becomes. It is only a matter of time before the rest of Embergard collapses into ruin.  Playstyle: Mastery Plot card The Countdown to Cataclysm deck includes a countdown mechanic. This is represented by a token that moves along a tracker of 14 spaces. The position of the token determines the current Cataclysm value, which will influence various cards in the deck (more on this later). The more spaces moved the higher the Cataclysm value, to a maximum of 4.  The token moves along the tracker after the first friendly fighter is slain in a combat round. It also moves one space, after the last Power step, for each feature token that is not occupied by an enemy fighter. You should note that you can adv...