
Showing posts with the label warhammer underworlds

Warhammer Underworlds - My thoughts on Warscrolls and Nemesis

The new edition of Warhammer Underworlds is on the way, and I am very excited! I started painting the miniatures for the game when they were first released in Shadespire , but it wasn’t until Nightvault that I actually started playing. Since then, I’ve become fully immersed in the game, collecting and painting all the available warbands. Over time, Warhammer Underworlds has become more than just a part of my hobby—it has become the centre of it. I’ve taken part in numerous tournaments and regularly play within my local gaming circle. The game’s fast-paced skirmish style, combined with tactical deck-building and highly thematic warbands, makes it uniquely compelling. So naturally, I’m incredibly invested in its ongoing success. From what I’ve seen so far, this new edition looks set to continue that success, and I can’t wait to dive in. Warscrolls and Warband Flavour One of the most significant changes in the new edition of Underworlds is the replacement of faction decks with warscrol...

My Sixth Underworlds Tournament - Agents Con

My sixth Warhammer Underworlds tournament was at Agents Con 2024. Yet again, I was equipped with my beloved Mournflight, this time paired with Tooth and Claw. This is the same combination I took to my previous tournament, but I have had a little more practice since then. Let’s see if Lady Harrow’s Savage Scream can win the day. Game 1 The Skinnerkin My first opponent was Dan Knight with his Skinnerkin paired with the Rimewyrm’s Bite. I had the first activation and simply moved the Widow, after staggering her, onto an objective token deep in my territory. Dan then charged the Screaming Maiden with Flensemaster Pewdrig. This was perfect for me, as I now used this fighter to inspire the remainder of my warband. Each time I moved a fighter, I staggered them first, unless I was charging, as I was aiming to score Embraced Savagery . Dan was unable to do much to my warband as his fighters were set up too far back on his board. I finished the round by taking out Flensemaster Pewdrig. The end o...

Warhammer Underworlds - Wintermaw warbands

  Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page  for more articles. Wintermaw is the tenth Season of Warhammer Underworlds. our warbands have descended deeper into the Deathgorge: a chasm within Ghur frozen by the Everwinter.  Brethern of the Bolt Grand Alliance: Order (Cities of Sigmar) Number of fighters: 5 Access to magic: No wizard Playstyle: When painting my Brethern of the Bolt, I had an idea that they would be painted in the blues of the Azyr (to match the Celestrial wizard of the Empire from WFB).  Skinnerkin Grand Alliance: Death (Flesh Eaters Court) Number of fighters: 5 Access to magic: No wizard Playstyle: Aggro When painting this Flesh Eater Court warband, I wanted to make them match my Grymwatch (from Beastgrave). I always, like the idea of my ghouls having a troglodyte look to them (rather Lovecraftian). I used my How I Paint- Flesh Eaters Court guide.  If you have any thoughts please drop them below.  Check out my warbands from oth...

Returning to the Mirrored City

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page  for more articles. Warhammer Underworlds (WU) was first released back in the autumn of 2017. Since then, the game has progressed through nine seasons to reach the Deathgorge. At the time of writing, there are over 50 legal WU warbands, but it is very difficult to get hold of the cards for warbands from the earlier seasons. As WU is a competitive game with a design space to be played in tournaments, it can be challenging for newer players to practice against older warbands. Without practise against warbands, this can be disadvantageous in tournaments.  Back in 2023, GW released their second WU Starter set, which contained the Farstriders and the Sepulchral Guard (the first, released in 2019, contained the Storm of Celestus and the Wraithcreepers). Both of these warbands had been part of Shadespire, the original season of WU. Importantly, the starter box, along with the re-release of the miniatures, also provided updated R...