How I Paint - Terrain - Wooden Planks
I have really enjoyed painting the Azyrite Ruins and other terrain features for Warcry and the Age of Sigmar. I am beginning to amass a good range of pieces. Having finished the stonework on these structures, the next next large sections to paint were the wooden planks that make up the broken floors and of course the bell tower. I wanted the wood to be a different colour from the stone but equally to appear as though it did belong in the ruins. I intended to basecoat the 'wood' with grey before shifting its hue with browns and then finishing it off with greens. I recently did an update of this method. I did not like the glossy look of the contrast paint. So I have experimented a little to change the paints I have used. The update is in blue . More of my How to paint... articles can be found here. Paints required: Skavenblight Dinge Wyldwood Agrax Earthshade Rakarth Flesh Deathworld Forest Elysian Green Seraphim Sepia Chaos Black Spray I undercoated the wood ...