
Showing posts with the label seraphon

The Jaws of Iztl - Warband Review

Introduction The Jaws of Itzl have descended into the mines of Embergard to prevent the plans of their Slann masters from being disrupted. The aggression of these cold-blood warriors has been peaked by the emotion-riven heat of the Emberstone from deep in the mines. The Jaws of Itzl are made up of  Kro-Jax [1], So-Kar [2], Ro-Tak [3] and the Venomites [4] Fighter Characteristics Each of the three Saurus warriors that make up this warband, Kro-Jax, So-Kar and Ro-Tak, have the same uninspired set of fighter characteristics. A Move of 3, a Save of 1 Block, and 5 Health.  Kro-Jax, the leader, has Bounty of 3 and is armed with a melee weapon (a mace) which is Range 1, 2 Hammers for a mighty 3 Damage. When inspired, his Save improves to 2 Block and his melee weapon improves to 4 Swords, significantly increasing his accuracy. Kro-Jax So-Kar has a Bounty of 2 and is armed with a melee weapon (a club) which is Range 1, 3 Swords for 2 Damage. When inspired... (this is unknown at present...

How to paint Seraphon green flesh and scales

The Warhammer Underworlds miniatures are great. The  Seraphon Starblood Stalkers  were the fourth warband to be released for Season 4, Direchasm. I decide to paint these miniatures as soon as they dropped through the door on release day. All I can say is they have been a delight to paint. They are detailed but not overly so. Each model has plenty of character and the big guy, Klaq- Trok just looks mean. When starting to paint this warband I recommend staring with Xepic before painting the rest of the Skinks (Tek and Huachi). These will allow you build up the colour palette you intend to use on this group of miniatures. I wanted green skin for my lizards, so below is my recipe, I hope you enjoy. This a different guide to my usual ones. I put this on together after someone on Instagram asked how I had painted my skinks. I had not intended to do a guide so I did not take any photos of the process.  Paints required: Mechanicum Standard Grey spray Deathworld Forest Ogryn Camo ...