The Jaws of Iztl - Warband Review
Introduction The Jaws of Itzl have descended into the mines of Embergard to prevent the plans of their Slann masters from being disrupted. The aggression of these cold-blood warriors has been peaked by the emotion-riven heat of the Emberstone from deep in the mines. The Jaws of Itzl are made up of Kro-Jax [1], So-Kar [2], Ro-Tak [3] and the Venomites [4] Fighter Characteristics Each of the three Saurus warriors that make up this warband, Kro-Jax, So-Kar and Ro-Tak, have the same uninspired set of fighter characteristics. A Move of 3, a Save of 1 Block, and 5 Health. Kro-Jax, the leader, has Bounty of 3 and is armed with a melee weapon (a mace) which is Range 1, 2 Hammers for a mighty 3 Damage. When inspired, his Save improves to 2 Block and his melee weapon improves to 4 Swords, significantly increasing his accuracy. Kro-Jax So-Kar has a Bounty of 2 and is armed with a melee weapon (a club) which is Range 1, 3 Swords for 2 Damage. When inspired... (this is unknown at present...