How I paint - Ironjawz - Orruk Armour
Over the past few months I have been trying to improve my painting by developing 'recipes' for different surfaces and colours. Most recently, I have been trying to paint old metal. With the release of the Kruleboyz, I decided I want to paint an Orruk covered in armour. I had Morgok's Krushas from Warhammer Underworlds, to hand. These would be a great place to try out my ideas. The Krushas are a small warband of three Orruk Ironjaws that stumbled into the Beastgrave. The armour on these miniatures is mainly large 'flat' metal plates with some chainmail. The lore has the idea that the Orruks pound the metal plates into shape with their fists. I cannot see the Orruks looking after it, so I wanted a weather beaten finish but not too much rust. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Rhinox Hide Leadbelcher Nuln Oil Black Templar Agrax Earthshade Ironbreaker Stormhost Silver Seraphim Sepia Athonian Camoshade Doombull Brown Skrag Brown Trollslayer Orange Fire Dragon Bright Lah...