
Showing posts with the label orks

Aeronautica Imperialis - Faction Review - Orks

  The Orks (along with the Imperial Navy) were one of the first two factions released for Aeronautica Imperialis. They have been an integral part of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe since its inception. Orks are a straightforward race with plenty of character and in Aeronautica Imperialis they are no exception. They are not the most powerful force and if you choose to use Orks, it is like playing the game in Hard mode. (Update 05/11/21) I have also written reviews: Imperial Navy Orks Tau Empire Aeldari Adeptus Astarte (Space Marines) Necron More of my  Aeronautica articles   can be found here. Once you have read this article, you might like to read how I deploy my Orks and use them in the first two turns. Tactica Aeronautica - Deployment - Orks  Within this article are some examples of aircraft with weapon loadouts. Each loadout provides the average amount of damage the aircraft can cause in a single round of firing. Also check out my YouTube channel (Jon Grant Miniatur...