
Showing posts with the label night goblins

How I paint Moonclan Grots

  I have a large Ork army for Warhammer 40k, but it has been a few years since I have painted any Greenskins. T hanks in part to  my backlog of Warhammer Underworlds warbands and a desire to paint some Destruction miniatures for Warcry I have been painting up my Ironjaws and t he Gloomspite Gitz . I love Mo on clan Grots as , with most Greenskin armies, they are played primarily for fun and if you win any games with them, so much the better. I wanted to paint my Gitz in a classic style, like 'back in the day' when I was using Night Goblins in the w orld - that - was. So here is my take on these nasty little backstabbers. I hope you enjoy and I would love to he ar any comments.    Other guides you might find useful: How I paint Moonclan Grots How I paint Rockgut Troggoth How I paint Squigs How I paint Orruk Armour Army Collection - Gloomspite Gitz Paints required:   Chaos Black spray   Abaddon Black   Stormvermin Fur   Rhinox Hide   Leadbelcher   Nuln Oil ( or