
Showing posts with the label necron

How I paint - Necron - Quantum Nodes

  I have recently been painting a fair amount of terrain for Warcry and I have thoroughly enjoyed it; simple techniques can produce great effects really quickly. When Kill Team: Pariah Nexus was released I decided that I would like to paint the terrain pieces from the set. I already own I sizable Necron force, which I started building around 20 years ago (some of it is made of actual metal)! So here we go, this is my guide to Necron terrain in a classic 'Green Glow' scheme. You might also like: How I paint - Necron warriors - tabletop standard Paints required: Chaos Black spray Caliban Green Spray Nuln Oil Nuln Oil Gloss Black Templar Deathworld Forest Caliban Green Warpstone Glow Moot Green Flash Gitz Yellow White Scar Iron Hands Steel Tesseract Glow Lahmian Medium Undercoat with Chaos Black spray.  Undercoat with Caliban Green spray. Wash with a 4:1 mix of Nuln Oil and Black Templar . Paint one face at a time and allow to dry horizontally. i made a pot of this mix up as I ...

How I paint - Necrons - Tabletop standard

I started collecting my first Necron army, many years ago, way back in 2002. Since then, the faction has gone through many changes, with the introduction of many new miniatures. I have always painted my Necrons in the classic silver with green as the spot colour.  This is my take on a tabletop standard Necron Warrior. This scheme could easily be adapted for all the miniatures within the range. You might also like: How I paint - Necron Quantum Nodes Paints required: Chaos Black spray Leadbelcher spray Abaddon Black Nuln Oil Leadbelcher Ironbreaker Stormhost Silver Night Lords Blue Kantor Blue Alaitoc Guard Blue Retributor Gold Eshin Grey Dawnstone Caliban Green Warpstone Green Moot Green White Scar Tesseract Glow Lahmian Medium Balthasar Gold Agrax Earthshade Hashut Copper I began by giving the miniature with a light undercoat of Chaos Black spray . The miniature was then given a spray basecoat of Leadbelcher . I used some putty to mask the gauss rifle before I sprayed the miniature...

Aeronautica Imperialis - Faction Review - Necron

  The Necrons are the sixth faction to be released for Aeronautica Imperialis. They are the first faction to be released entirely via Forge World, something I am not happy about. The miniatures do look fantastic, but I do not like resin miniatures, or for that matter the price of Forge World products. Having stated this, I do like more support for this fantastic game and in the future, the Necrons may get plastic miniatures, like the Necromunda upgrades.  Within this article are some examples of aircraft with weapon loadouts. Each loadout provides the average amount of damage the aircraft can cause in a single round of firing.   Faction review links: Imperial Navy Orks Tau Empire Aeldari Adeptus Astarte (Space Marines) Necron This is the link to 'How I painted my Necrons aircraft'. Also visit my YouTube channel (Jon Grant Miniatures)  for games The Necrons The Necrons are an ancient race who once ruled the galaxy long before humanity evolved on Terra. Their tech...