
Showing posts with the label elves

How I paint Elf Infantry - Oathmark

Back when I was playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle, I considered playing with an elven army, I even painted a few miniatures, but I never managed to build an army. Now, I have the Oathmark rules, I am planning to have a few units of elves, maybe to have a small army or as allies/elites for a human army. Either way, I want my elves to have an old school Games Workshop, High elf feel; cool blues and whites.   Paints required: Chaos Black spray (Cit) Grey Seer spray (Cit) Mechanicum Standard Grey (Cit) Plate Mail Metal (AP) Drakenhof Nightshade (Cit) Nuln Oil (Cit) Lahmian Medium (Cit) Shining Silver (AP) Zandri Dust (Cit) XV-88 (Cit) Caledor Sky (Cit) Corax White (Cit) Russ Grey (Cit) Agrax Earthshade (Cit) Fenrisian Grey (Cit) Wraithbone (Cit) Tau Light Ochre (Cit) Matt White (AP) Hoeth Blue (Cit) Rakarth Flesh (Cit) Cadian Fleshtone (Cit) Zamesi Desert (Cit) Ushabti Bone (Cit) Retributor Gold Reikland Fleshshade (Cit) Agros Dune (Cit) Wyldwood (Cit) Contrast Medium (Cit) Kislev Fles...