
Showing posts with the label aeldari

Aeronautica Imperialis - Faction Review - Aeldari - Asuryani

Aeronautica Imperialis is back for a third year with the Wrath of Angels box set and I cannot wait. I love this game. I love the idea of aerial combat; the miniatures are gorgeous and now we have two more playable forces. This I think is the most crucial point about this third year's release: two more playable factions, the Aeldari and the Space Marines (Adeptus Astartes). The Aeldari Asuryani (or as they were previously known, the Eldar) are one of the original races from Warhammer 40,000. In essence, they are space elves. This means, they should be fast manoeuvrable and skilled at range. They should also crumple if hit, then again, they should be hard to hit due to their heretical xenos technology. How does this compare to their actual stats in the game? Within this article are some examples of aircraft with weapon loadouts. Each loadout provides the average amount of damage the aircraft can cause in a single round of firing.  Faction review links: Imperial Navy Orks Tau Empire A