
Showing posts with the label Oathmark

How I paint Elf Infantry - Oathmark

Back when I was playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle, I considered playing with an elven army, I even painted a few miniatures, but I never managed to build an army. Now, I have the Oathmark rules, I am planning to have a few units of elves, maybe to have a small army or as allies/elites for a human army. Either way, I want my elves to have an old school Games Workshop, High elf feel; cool blues and whites.   Paints required: Chaos Black spray (Cit) Grey Seer spray (Cit) Mechanicum Standard Grey (Cit) Plate Mail Metal (AP) Drakenhof Nightshade (Cit) Nuln Oil (Cit) Lahmian Medium (Cit) Shining Silver (AP) Zandri Dust (Cit) XV-88 (Cit) Caledor Sky (Cit) Corax White (Cit) Russ Grey (Cit) Agrax Earthshade (Cit) Fenrisian Grey (Cit) Wraithbone (Cit) Tau Light Ochre (Cit) Matt White (AP) Hoeth Blue (Cit) Rakarth Flesh (Cit) Cadian Fleshtone (Cit) Zamesi Desert (Cit) Ushabti Bone (Cit) Retributor Gold Reikland Fleshshade (Cit) Agros Dune (Cit) Wyldwood (Cit) Contrast Medium (Cit) Kislev Fles...

Army Collection - Oathmark - Orcs and Goblins

I intend for this article to be a work in progress. Having discovered Oathmark a few months ago, I started to build an Orc and Goblin army. My choice was based around the fact that I have never had an Orc and Goblin army (although I have just started building a Gloomspite Gitz army). With this in mind, I started to plan a Kingdom for my army.  The first 550pts In the Oathmark rulebook, it recommends learning to play the game with a force totalling 550pts. This sized force can be built with one or two boxes of Oathmark miniatures, each costing around £25 but you can find them at a reduced price on the internet. The first purchase I made for the army was a single frame of Goblin Infantry from eBay. I immediately built these as miniatures as five Goblin Soldiers. The idea was to see if: a) I liked these models and b) to work out a paint scheme. How I Paint - Goblin Infantry   After finishing these five miniatures, I bought a box of Goblin Infantry and built another fifteen Gobl...

How I paint Wolves - Oathmark

Wolves have been a common feature of fantasy stories and fairy tales for many years. When I first read the Hobbit, I came across the idea of goblin wolf riders. Having bought a set of Goblin Wolf Riders for Oathmark, I decided I wanted dark grey wolves and that I also wanted to give the miniatures the impression of being furred. This is my method. Other Oathmark - How I paint guides: Goblin Infantry Elven Infantry D warven Infantry. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Abaddon Black Mechanicum Standard Grey Dawnstone Administratum Grey Grey Seer Nuln Oil Lahmian Medium Xereus Purple Screamer Pink Druchii Violet Cadian Fleshtone Bugmans Glow Zandri Dust Ushabti Bone Screaming Skull Matt White (AP) Averland Sunset I began by undercoating the wolves with Chaos Black spray . 1. The upper side of the wolf was painted with a 1:1 mix of  Abaddon Black  and  Mechanicum Standard Grey . To the underside of the wolf, I applied a coat or two of Mechanicum Standard Grey . With each wol...

Army collection - Oathmark - Dwarves

  In 1990, I read the Hobbit for the first time. A tale of a band of dwarves, who set off on a quest to retrieve their lost treasure from a dragon. At the same time as reading this book, I had just begun my first foray into miniature collecting and as such I was drawn to the dwarves. In my first few years of miniature collecting, I tried to build a dwarven army, but unfortunately, I never had the funds and so it was never built. With my discovery of Oathmark, I have developed a certain amount of nostalgia for my younger years. On top of this, I have been building a goblin force. So, it only feels right, that the ancient enemies of the goblins get to battle against the dwarves once again.   To build this army, I wanted to use the Warhammer third edition Armies book to guide my troop choices. Back then an army needed to include a certain number of troops for the dwarves it was 40 warriors and 20 crossbow men (dwarves). This was a good place to start. I began by build two unit...

How I paint Dwarven Infantry - Oathmark

When I started collecting miniature, way back in 1990, my first miniatures were Dwarves. At the time, these were all metal miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy Battle and as a kid I could never afford many. As a result, I was never able to afford an army. With my discovery of Oathmark, I am now able to build my childhood Dwarven army. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Gun Metal (AP) Plate Mail Metal (AP) Shining Silver (AP) Dark Tone (AP) Strong Tone (AP) Soft Tone (AP) Weapon Bronze (AP) Balthasar Gold Bugmans Glow Cadian Fleshtone Kislev Flesh Mephiston Red Mournfang Brown Rhinox Hide Skrag Brown  Deathclaw Brown Doombull Brown Dryad Bark Gorthor Brown XV-88 Tau Light Ochre Steel Legion Drab Karak Stone Khorne Red Evil Suns Scarlet Wild Rider Red Carroburg Crimson When I painted the miniature, I effectively worked on four distinct sections: the amour, the faces and beard, the leather work, and finally the coloured cloth. Additionally, the shield was painted separately from the rest ...

How I paint Goblin Infantry - Oathmark

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered Oathmark, a mass fantasy battle game . Liking the look of the game I bought a box of the Goblin Infantry . I made the first few miniatures up as Goblin Soldiers with hand weapons and shields. I also think these miniatures would work well for Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game from Games Workshops. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Leadbelcher Mournfang Brown Skrag Brown Skavenblight Dinge Stormvermin Fur Dryad Bark Khorne Red Evil Suns Scarlet Abaddon Black Steel Legion Drab Baneblade Brown Karak Stone Army Painter Strong Tone (Note Agrax Earthshade is not an equivalent!) Rhinox Hide Doombull Brown Balthasar Gold Zandri Dust Dawnstone Administratum Grey Xereus Purple The miniature was undercoated with Chaos Black spray . The metal on the miniature was then dry brushed with Leadbelcher . I was not careful with this dry brush, as the next stages will tidy the miniature up. Next, I applied all the various basecoats to the miniat...