
Showing posts with the label Kill Team

Kill Team - Meet the Squad - The Catachan 18th 'Swamp Devils'

I have a few armies for Warhammer 40,000, most of which were collected many years ago. Some, like the Tyranids, I periodically add a few miniatures to. There are other factions in 40k that I really like but I do not have the time to collect a force for. With the release of Kill Team, I thought I would collect a unit of Catachans. The majority of the Catachan miniature range has been out for a very long time and their models are showing their age. With a little bit of mixing and matching, I have been able to build (in my opinion) a decent looking squad. This unit is still a work in progress. I hope you like it. I am building a Veteran Guard Squad, but instead of using the Kreig miniatures from the Octarius box set, I am using Catachans. The idea behind the squad is that they are a group of Veteran Tyranid hunters. They were previously part of a successful campaign that defended a world from a Tyranid Invasion. Now they have been brought to a new world to use their expertise. They will b...

Kill Team - Meet the Squad -Tyranids of Beta Anphelion

Of all the armies in Warhammer 40,000, the Tyranids are my favourite. I  have played them for the last three decades in various forms. I even had a  Tyranid army for Epic and I am hoping to see them in Aeronautica Imperialis, in  the not-too-distant future. My Tyranid army for 40k is relatively large but it  has been a few years since I last used it. I have however recently been  painting up a few miniatures to provide options for Kill Team. My Tyranid army is built around the forces 'captured' and 'held' in the Ordo Xenos research station of Beta Anphelion. They will also be used as my opposition for my  Catachan Kill Team . Tyranid Warrior Fire Team Tyranid Warrior (Leader) The alpha beast for my Kill Team will be Tyranid Warrior leader. It is equipped with rending claws, a lash whip, and a bone sword. I have also equipped the miniature with Extended Carapace, Adrenal Glands, and Toxins Sacs. These upgrades could be purchased from my Equipment Points. Tyr...