
Showing posts with the label Goblins

Army Collection - Oathmark - Orcs and Goblins

I intend for this article to be a work in progress. Having discovered Oathmark a few months ago, I started to build an Orc and Goblin army. My choice was based around the fact that I have never had an Orc and Goblin army (although I have just started building a Gloomspite Gitz army). With this in mind, I started to plan a Kingdom for my army.  The first 550pts In the Oathmark rulebook, it recommends learning to play the game with a force totalling 550pts. This sized force can be built with one or two boxes of Oathmark miniatures, each costing around £25 but you can find them at a reduced price on the internet. The first purchase I made for the army was a single frame of Goblin Infantry from eBay. I immediately built these as miniatures as five Goblin Soldiers. The idea was to see if: a) I liked these models and b) to work out a paint scheme. How I Paint - Goblin Infantry   After finishing these five miniatures, I bought a box of Goblin Infantry and built another fifteen Goblin Soldie