
Showing posts with the label Gloomspite gitz

Borgit's Beastgrabbaz - Warband Review

Introduction Borgit's Beastgrabbaz are the fifth Gloomspite Gitz warband to enter the Underworlds. This group of gitz is searching the Underworlds for Trugg, the Troggoth King. The warband is made up of Borgit Wolf-Killa (1), who leads the Beastgrabbaz. He is accompanied by Snagz (2), Hobblin' Dregg (3), Uglug (4) (a small Troggoth), and Rigg and Sham (5), who dress as a squig and lead Uglug around. Fighter Characteristics Borgit is the leader of the Beastgrabbaz. He has a solid set of characteristics with a Move of 3, a Save of 2 Block, 3 Health, and a Bounty of 2. His attack is Range 1, 2 Hammers, and 2 Damage with Crit Grievous. Upon inspiration, Borgit goes to Move 4 and 3 Hammers on his attack. This is an interesting profile, as, apart from the Health, his characteristics are similar to Ardorn from the Emberwatch. Ardorn is a highly effective fighter, suggesting Borgit will also be—albeit less resilient but with potentially a little more punch! Next up, we have the minions...

How I paint Rockgut Troggoth

When I began painting my Rockgut Troggoths (Stone Trolls), I wanted them to look as though a flesh and blood creature had started to petrify. Most of the stone terrain in my collection is grey with a greenish tinge. This was the colour I wanted to replicate on my trolls. As I was painting my trolls, I made a note of the colours I used but I did not take any pictures, as I never intended to make a guide. After I had finished painting these miniatures, I decided to write up the method, in case I needed it again. Then, I thought I might as well share it. Paints required. Chaos Black spray Mechanicum Standard Grey spray Skavenblight Dinge Dawnstone Lahmian Medium  Athonian Camoshade Agrax Earthshade Administratum Grey Bugmans Glow  Rakarth Flesh Screamer Pink Cadian Fleshtone Stormvermin Fur Kislev Flesh Karak Stone Xereus Purple Mephiston Red Painting flesh of the Troggoth I began by given the miniature an undercoat with  Chaos   Black spray.  This w...

How I paint - Gloomspite Gitz- Squigs

When collecting Gloomspite Gitz it quickly becomes apparent that at some point you are going to paint squigs. This is my take on a classic red squig. Paints required: Wraithbone spray Khorne Red Army Painter Red Tone Averland Sunset Wazdakka Red Squig Orange Lahmian Medium Reikland Fleshwash Screamer Pink Pink Horror Pallid Wych Flesh Zandri Dust Agrax Earthshade Xereus Purple Genestealer Purple Yriel Yellow Druchii Violet .  Kantor Blue Thousand Sons Blue Ahriman Blue Temple Guard Blue . The miniatures were primed with Wraithbone spray. The scheme works over black, but you must build a nice sold layer of red at the start. This was then followed by a basecoat of Khorne Red . I thinned the Khorne Red with a little water. It took a few coats to get a nice solid finish. The miniature was then given a wash with Army Painter Red Tone thinned with a little water. The eyes were painted in with Averland Sunset .  To highlight the flesh, I began with Wazdakka Red . This was then foll...

How I paint Moonclan Grots

  I have a large Ork army for Warhammer 40k, but it has been a few years since I have painted any Greenskins. T hanks in part to  my backlog of Warhammer Underworlds warbands and a desire to paint some Destruction miniatures for Warcry I have been painting up my Ironjaws and t he Gloomspite Gitz . I love Mo on clan Grots as , with most Greenskin armies, they are played primarily for fun and if you win any games with them, so much the better. I wanted to paint my Gitz in a classic style, like 'back in the day' when I was using Night Goblins in the w orld - that - was. So here is my take on these nasty little backstabbers. I hope you enjoy and I would love to he ar any comments.    Other guides you might find useful: How I paint Moonclan Grots How I paint Rockgut Troggoth How I paint Squigs How I paint Orruk Armour Army Collection - Gloomspite Gitz Paints required:   Chaos Black spray   Abaddon Black   Stormvermin Fur   Rhinox Hide ...