Kill Team - Meet the Squad - The Catachan 18th 'Swamp Devils'
I have a few armies for Warhammer 40,000, most of which were collected many years ago. Some, like the Tyranids, I periodically add a few miniatures to. There are other factions in 40k that I really like but I do not have the time to collect a force for. With the release of Kill Team, I thought I would collect a unit of Catachans. The majority of the Catachan miniature range has been out for a very long time and their models are showing their age. With a little bit of mixing and matching, I have been able to build (in my opinion) a decent looking squad. This unit is still a work in progress. I hope you like it. I am building a Veteran Guard Squad, but instead of using the Kreig miniatures from the Octarius box set, I am using Catachans. The idea behind the squad is that they are a group of Veteran Tyranid hunters. They were previously part of a successful campaign that defended a world from a Tyranid Invasion. Now they have been brought to a new world to use their expertise. They will b...