Warhammer Underworlds

Check out my Painting Guides - Contents Page.

2nd Edition Warhammer Underworlds (Embergard to - )

Thought Pieces

  1. What's new for Warhammer Underworlds?

Deck Reviews

  1. Blazing Assault
  2. Emberstone Sentinel
  3. Pillage and Plunder
  4. Countdown to Cataclysm
  5. Reckless Fury
  6. Wrack and Ruin

Warband Reviews

  1. Emberwatch
  2. Zikkit's Tunnelpack
  3. Grandfather's Gardeners
  4. The Jaws of Itzl
  5. Borgit's Beastgrabbaz
  6. Ylthari's Guardians
  7. Myari's Purifiers
  8. Thundrik's Profiteers 
  9. Hexbane's Hunters
  10. Farstriders
  11. Cyreni's Razors
  12. Ironsoul's Condemnors
  13. Brethren of the Bolt
  14. Khagra's Ravagers
  15. The Dread Pageant
  16. Gorechosn of Dromm
  17. Ephilim's Pandemonium
  18. The Thricecursed Discord
  19. Skritch's Swarm
  20. The Headman's Curse
  21. The Crimson Court
  22. Kainan's Reapers 
  23. The Grymwatch
  24. The Skinnerkin
  25. Thorns of the Briar Queen
  26. Zondara's Gravebreakers
  27. Sepulchral Guard
  28. Grinkrak's Looncourt 
  29. Blackpowder's Buccaneers 
  30. Da Kunnin Krew
  31. Morgok's Krushas
  32. Zarbag's Gitz
  33. Mollog's Mob
  34. Stab-Ladz



Archive - 1st Edition Warhammer Underworlds (Shadespire to Wintermaw)

Thought pieces

  1. Return to the Mirrored City
  2. My hopes for the future of Warhammer Underworlds - September 2024

Warhammer Underworlds Decks, Top-Pick Cards and Deck Reviews

Nemesis Deck Library

  1. Top Picks - Magore's Fiends
  2. Top Picks - Skaeth's Wild Hunt
  3. Top Picks - Domitan's Stormcoven
  4. Top Picks - Tooth and Claw
  5. Top Picks - Seismic Shock
  6. Top Picks - Force of Frost
  1. Malevolent Masks - Deck Review

Warhammer Underworlds tournaments

  1. Willen Games - July 23 -Xandire's Truthseekers with Tooth and Claw
  2. Agents' Con - September 23 - Using Magore's Fiends with Tooth and Claw
  3. Agent's Clash - November 23 - Lady Harrows' Mournflight with Force of Frost
  4. Agent's Clash - February 24 - Lady Harrow's Mournflight with Force of Frost
  5. Agent's Clash - May 24 - Lady Harrow's Mournflight with Tooth and Claw
  6. Agent's Con - September 24 - Lady Harrow's Mournflight with Tooth and Claw

Warband focus


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