Myari's Purifiers - Warband Review

Introduction Myari's Purifiers are a graceful company of Lumineth aelves who glow with the power of Hysh. Steeped in learning and arcane skill, they have entered the Underworlds, originally to calm the Beastgrave, but now they seek the treasures of the Emberguard. The company comprises Myari Lightcaller (1), Bahannar (2), Ailenn, the Mind's Edge (3) and Senaela (4). Fighter Characteristics Myari Lightcaller, a spellcaster steeped in arcane skill, able to wield the magic of Hysh. He is the leader of the Purifiers. He has a Movement of 4, a Save of 1 Dodge, 4 Health and a Bounty of 2. He has two weapon attack profiles. The first is a melee attack, range 2, 1 Hammer for 2 damage. The second is a ranged attack, which is range 3, 3 Swords for 1 damage. Upon inspiration, his melee attack increases to 2 Hammers and his ranged attack improves to 4 Swords. Overall, a modest boost to his accuracy for his inspiration. The single dice melee attack is quite useful for gaining the...