
Showing posts from February, 2025

Reckless Fury - Deck Review

Introduction Unleash unrelenting aggression with the Reckless Fury Rivals deck, a high-risk, high-reward playstyle designed for those who thrive in the heat of battle. This deck is all about relentless charges, brutal attacks, and an all-or-nothing approach to victory. Playstyle: Strike Plot card: No The Objectives The Objective deck is made up of 12 cards, 6 Surges and 6 End Phase for a total of 16 Glory. 1. Aim for the Top - End Phase - Glory 1  Score if the total Bounty of slain and/or damaged enemy fighters is four or more.  A relatively easy card to score, especially against more elite warbands. Simply deal out some damage but remember to spread it around. Later in the game, I tend to find I have scored this card as soon as I draw it (of course I have to wait until the End Phase to claim the Glory). The main downsides are that it is only 1 Glory and in the first Round it can be a little dice dependent, as you need some luck to deal the damage, especially against horde w...

How I Paint - Chaos Daemons - Plaguebearers of Nurgle

  Of all the Powers of Chaos, the daemons of Nurgle are my favourite. I have a large daemon army, and love the juxtaposition of the gregarious, jovial nature of these daemons with their horrific despair inducing appearance. As with all daemons there is a colour palete, in the case of Nurgle this is greens and browns. i have been using this scheme for many years and have amassed a large force of Plaguebearers. Paints Used: Chaos Black Spray Zandri Dust Cassandora Yellow Reikland Fleshshade Ushabti Bone Lahmian Medium Athonian Camoshade Biel-Tan Green Druchii Violet Ogryn Camo Screamer Pink Pink Horror Blood Angels Red Red Wash (Army Painter) Averland Sunset Yriel Yellow Abaddon Black Agrax EarthShade Karak Stone Screaming Skull Pallid Wych Flesh Leadbelcher Nuln Oil Skrag Brown Trollslayer Orange Fire Dragon Orange I began by undercoating the miniature with  Chaos Black  spray. The flesh I then gave the whole miniature a basecoat of Zandri Dust . I made sure that the basec...

Borgit's Beastgrabbaz - Warband Review

Introduction Borgit's Beastgrabbaz are the fifth Gloomspite Gitz warband to enter the Underworlds. This group of gitz is searching the Underworlds for Trugg, the Troggoth King. The warband is made up of Borgit Wolf-Killa (1), who leads the Beastgrabbaz. He is accompanied by Snagz (2), Hobblin' Dregg (3), Uglug (4) (a small Troggoth), and Rigg and Sham (5), who dress as a squig and lead Uglug around. Fighter Characteristics Borgit is the leader of the Beastgrabbaz. He has a solid set of characteristics with a Move of 3, a Save of 2 Block, 3 Health, and a Bounty of 2. His attack is Range 1, 2 Hammers, and 2 Damage with Crit Grievous. Upon inspiration, Borgit goes to Move 4 and 3 Hammers on his attack. This is an interesting profile, as, apart from the Health, his characteristics are similar to Ardorn from the Emberwatch. Ardorn is a highly effective fighter, suggesting Borgit will also be—albeit less resilient but with potentially a little more punch! Next up, we have the minions...