Hobby Goals - December 2024

It’s been a few months since my last hobby goals update. Life has been quite hectic, leaving me little time for painting or gaming. However, this month, despite a packed schedule, I managed to carve out some time to make meaningful progress.


This month, I began by completing the three Stormcast Eternals of the Emberwatch. I painted them in my standard Hallowed Knights scheme to match my long-time favorites, Xandire's Truthseekers. With this cohesive look, I plan to use the Emberwatch as my primary warband in the coming months.

After finishing the Emberwatch, I turned my attention to the Grandfather's Gardeners. As part of my larger Daemons of Nurgle army, I aimed to ensure this warband fit seamlessly with my Plaguebearers. My process started with painting the flesh tones across all the miniatures before adding intricate details. By the end of the month, I had completed Strewg and Squort and made significant progress on the remaining models.


My first game this month was also my third for the Embergard setting. I played Khagra's Ravagers against Robin (from the Agents of Sigmar) and his Dread Pageant. Paired with Emberstone Sentinel and Countdown to Cataclysm, my deck showed potential, but my lack of experience with the warband and the new edition proved costly. It was a close match, but I ultimately lost, 15 to 19. Link here

After Christmas, I joined Harry, Robin, Pete, Aaron (a World Championships participant), and Martin for a full day of gaming. While everyone else prepped for February’s Grand Clash in Nottingham, I experimented with the Emberwatch paired with Blazing Assault and Reckless Fury (you can check out the deck here - Nemesis Deck Library).

The day wasn’t about winning for me (although, i would have liked to have won a few more - it was about learning. My results were as follows:

  • Harry's Jaws of Itzl: 15–22 (Loss)
  • Pete's Gardeners: 21–11 (Win)
  • Robin's Jaws of Itzl: 20–20 (Loss by tie-breaker)
  • Martin's Pandaemonium: 16–18 (Loss)
  • Aaron's Ravagers: 9–15 (Loss)

Despite the losses, I gained valuable insights into the Emberwatch’s strengths, weaknesses, and which cards needed tweaking. By the fifth game, I began to grasp how the deck worked and how to adjust it for better performance. My final game, against Pete’s Grandfather's Gardeners, was a highlight as I effectively used missile attacks to soften up his daemons before finishing them in melee.

End of Year Summary

This month, I painted five miniatures, bringing my yearly total to 75. I purchased 49 miniatures this year, making this the third consecutive year where I painted more than I bought. My “pile of shame” is shrinking rapidly and is now quite manageable—a satisfying milestone!

Throughout the year, I primarily played Lady Harrow’s Mournflight in Warhammer Underworlds tournaments. While I didn’t win any events, focusing on one warband helped me develop a deep familiarity with its mechanics. I plan to adopt a similar approach next year with the new edition.

For the upcoming year, I aim to:

  1. Continue painting my Underworlds warbands, maintaining steady progress.
  2. Work towards winning a tournament, though I know this goal will require more practice and dedication than I might have time for.

Here’s to another year of painting, playing, and enjoying the hobby!


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