Hobby Goals - September 2024

September ended up being a relatively quiet month for my hobby. I had a busy month with work, and the lack of new Warhammer Underworlds miniatures sapped my enthusiasm for painting a little.

I started the month by looking through some boxes in the loft and found a single Storm Eagle from Aeronautica Imperialis. I decided to paint it in the yellow of the Imperial Fists. It was a quick little miniature, but it was nice to return to painting the small planes. How I Paint - Imperial Fists.

Imperial Fist Storm Eagle

Next, I switched to two of the Blood Warriors I had primed last month. I have been enjoying using Magore's Fiends in some practice games, and the angry men inspired me to paint a few fellow warriors. I would like to get a few more of these painted.

Blood Warriors

This month, I did not buy any miniatures, so I could tick off my first hobby goal: "Do not buy any miniatures in a month." Even though I only painted three miniatures, that's still more than I bought, so I could tick off my second hobby goal: "Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought."

During September, I played in the Agents Con tournaments, again using Lady Harrow's Mournflight. This time, the banshees were paired with Tooth and Claw. There is a full write-up elsewhere on my blog—the link is here. I won't spoil the read, but overall, I did well.

After the tournament, I managed to get in a couple more games, this time using the Gorechosen paired with Rimewyrm's Bite. Find my deck on my Nemesis Deck Library.

I won one game 12-10 against Robin's Thricecursed Discord, also with Rimewyrm's Bite. Even though by the middle of Round 3 all the Slaaneshi Daemons were dead, I found the deck difficult to score with. The objectives I tended to score were focused on positioning around No-Man’s Land, as well as having Blood Tithe tokens. Overall, I felt the deck did not flow very well. Robin killed the Gorehulk for two Glory and still managed to score a further eight from objectives.

I lost the second game 15-21 against Axel's Zarbag's Gitz with Seismic Shock. Axel longboarded me, and the slow speed of the Gorechosen resulted in me having only one attack in the first round. This was then combined with relatively low accuracy, resulting in no damage. The lack of damage meant no Blood Tithe counters, and thus, no inspiration. By the end of the game, I had only killed a few fighters and was unable to stop Axel from scoring.

Having played the Gorechosen a few times, I don't think I'll be coming back to them in the near future. Overall, they are too slow and lack sufficient damage output.

In summary, September was a quiet month for painting, but I did get some gaming in. I am looking forward to the Warhammer Preview on the 5th of October for news on Warhammer Underworlds.

(Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

Checkout my Hobby Goals for more articles

Thank you for reading. I hope you return soon.


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