Hobby Goals - September 2024
September ended up being a relatively quiet month for my hobby. I had a busy month with work, and the lack of new Warhammer Underworlds miniatures sapped my enthusiasm for painting a little. I started the month by looking through some boxes in the loft and found a single Storm Eagle from Aeronautica Imperialis. I decided to paint it in the yellow of the Imperial Fists. It was a quick little miniature, but it was nice to return to painting the small planes. How I Paint - Imperial Fists . Imperial Fist Storm Eagle Next, I switched to two of the Blood Warriors I had primed last month. I have been enjoying using Magore's Fiends in some practice games, and the angry men inspired me to paint a few fellow warriors. I would like to get a few more of these painted. Blood Warriors This month, I did not buy any miniatures, so I could tick off my first hobby goal: " Do not buy any miniatures in a month ." Even though I only painted three miniatures, that's still more than I bough...