
Showing posts from September, 2024

Hobby Goals - September 2024

September ended up being a relatively quiet month for my hobby. I had a busy month with work, and the lack of new Warhammer Underworlds miniatures sapped my enthusiasm for painting a little. I started the month by looking through some boxes in the loft and found a single Storm Eagle from Aeronautica Imperialis. I decided to paint it in the yellow of the Imperial Fists. It was a quick little miniature, but it was nice to return to painting the small planes. How I Paint - Imperial Fists . Imperial Fist Storm Eagle Next, I switched to two of the Blood Warriors I had primed last month. I have been enjoying using Magore's Fiends in some practice games, and the angry men inspired me to paint a few fellow warriors. I would like to get a few more of these painted. Blood Warriors This month, I did not buy any miniatures, so I could tick off my first hobby goal: " Do not buy any miniatures in a month ." Even though I only painted three miniatures, that's still more than I bough

My hope for the future of Warhammer Underworlds

Recently, I’ve begun to wonder about the fate of Warhammer Underworlds . I’ve been playing Games Workshop games since 1990, and over the years, my relationship with the hobby has evolved dramatically. As a teenager, I had plenty of time to build armies but often lacked the funds. After my student days, I finally had both the time and money to indulge in large-scale armies. Now, as a parent, I find myself with neither the time nor the surplus funds for bigger games. As a result, I’ve shifted my focus to smaller-scale games rather than Age of Sigmar (AoS) or Warhammer 40,000 (40K). Games like Aeronautica Imperialis and Warhammer Underworlds have proven to be a perfect fit. I also love painting miniatures, and with a focus on quality over quantity, massive army painting is something I’ve moved away from. The original teaser miniature for Warhammer Underworlds, The Sepulchral warden When Warhammer Underworlds first launched, I began collecting the miniatures solely for the joy of pain

My Sixth Underworlds Tournament - Agents Con

My sixth Warhammer Underworlds tournament was at Agents Con 2024. Yet again, I was equipped with my beloved Mournflight, this time paired with Tooth and Claw. This is the same combination I took to my previous tournament, but I have had a little more practice since then. Let’s see if Lady Harrow’s Savage Scream can win the day. Game 1 The Skinnerkin My first opponent was Dan Knight with his Skinnerkin paired with the Rimewyrm’s Bite. I had the first activation and simply moved the Widow, after staggering her, onto an objective token deep in my territory. Dan then charged the Screaming Maiden with Flensemaster Pewdrig. This was perfect for me, as I now used this fighter to inspire the remainder of my warband. Each time I moved a fighter, I staggered them first, unless I was charging, as I was aiming to score Embraced Savagery . Dan was unable to do much to my warband as his fighters were set up too far back on his board. I finished the round by taking out Flensemaster Pewdrig. The end o