Hobby Goals - August 24

For the first few weeks of August, I was away on holiday and, as such, did no hobby activities.


Having completed all the available Warhammer Underworlds warbands last month, I moved on to reducing my pile of shame by painting more of my Gloomspite Gitz. Last month, I had started a unit of ten Squig Hoppers.

With these complete, I moved on to the second half of a unit of Squigs with their herder. I had four Squigs and one herder to paint. For both units, I used my "How I Paint – Moonclan Grots" and "How I Paint – Squigs" guides.

In addition to painting, I built a random group of miniatures, including:

  • Two Pusgoyle Blightlords
  • Three Fiends of Slaanesh
  • Five Loonsmasha Fanatics
  • Five Blood Warriors
  • Five Blood Reavers

As my painting is not very focused at the moment, these miniatures will give me some options over the next few weeks.


This month, I managed to play eight games of Warhammer Underworlds. I have been practicing for an upcoming tournament. Part of this practice was to find a deck and warband I wanted to use. I am also experimenting with a range of decks to increase my familiarity with different Rivals decks. These decks can be found on my Nemesis Deck Library.

Game 1: My Magore’s Fiends paired with Rimelocked Relics against the Farstriders with Malevolent Masks. This was a quick game, as my Fiends killed all of the Farstriders by the second activation of the second round. I had scored a few objectives, and my opponent had scored nothing. THe Farstiders appeared totally overpowered by the pure Aggro of the Fiends.

My (Angry Men AKA) Fiends

Game 2: My Lady Harrow's Mournflight (my favourite warband) with Tooth and Claw against the Farstriders(from the previous game). This turned out to be a straightforward game. My opponent made too many bad choices and allowed me to play my own game. As a result, I won the game 20 to 5.

My (Beloved) Mournflight

Game 3: My Magore’s Fiends paired with Rimelocked Relics against Neil with Ylthari’s Guardians paired with the Hungering Parasite. This was a really interesting game. When I first started playing Underworlds, I was drawn to Ylthari. However, the warband's faction cards are unfocused, and the warband does not really have a game plan. The Hungering Parasite changed this. The first round saw both warbands cause plenty of damage, with one fighter from each warband being eliminated. However, as the game progressed, Magore’s Fiends gained the advantage due to an easy Inspire Mechanic. They were in close contact with the enemy and were also upgraded. By the end of the second round, I still had my three remaining fighters, and Neil only had Gallanghann with the Bane. In the third round, I lost Riptooth before I finished off Gallanghann. I won the game 15 to 12.

My Guardians

The next five games were all played against my regular opponent, Harry.

Game 4: My Gorechosen of Dromm paired with Rimewyrm's Bite against Harry’s Starblood Stalkers paired with Rimelocked Relics. I chose my Nemesis pairing to discover how both the Gorechosen and the Rimewyrm's Bite decks worked, as I had limited experience with either. In this game, I chose to longboard Harry. I then set up my fighters and was able to eliminate Huachi and Klaq-Trok in the first round. In the second round, I took out Oxapatl, and Harry killed the Gorehulk. However, throughout the game, Herax failed every attack he made, and my objective deck bricked. The game ended with a win for Harry, 18 to 14. The Stalkers scored well, even though they were on the back foot for much of the game.

My Gorechosen

Game 5: My Magore’s Fiends paired with Rimelocked Relics against Harry’s Crimson Court with the Hungering Parasite. Harry has played me with this Nemesis combination before, and it is really effective. The game proved to be a violent affair, with both warbands damaging each other quickly. I managed to kill Prince Duvall, who had the Bane, but this just meant that Magore gained the Parasite, uninspiring him. This was extremely annoying, as it not only reduced my damage output but also allowed Harry to score his objective from my fighter! In the end, I lost the game 14 to 7. Again, my objective deck bricked, partly because I had included Steaming Corpses, which has now been removed from my deck.

My Crimson Court

Game 6: Again, I used my Rimelocked Fiends against Harry’s Dread Pageant paired with Rimewyrm’s Bite. This turned into a great game. My Fiends charged into enemy territory, and both warbands started damaging each other straight away. Both warbands picked up glory at a steady rate. In the third round, I had Magore remaining, and Harry had Slakeslash. Neither fighter could deal out enough damage to kill the other. The game ended with a win for me, 12 to 10.

Game 7: My Lady Harrow's Mournflight (my favorite warband) with Tooth and Claw against Harry’s Dread Pageant paired with Rimewyrm’s Bite. This was an exceptionally cagey game, with both warbands setting up towards the backs of their respective boards. I was able to score passive glory early through interactions with the objective tokens, but Harry struggled from a lack of interaction with my fighters. In the second turn, the warbands engaged one another, and I was able to pick off Hadzu and Glisette. Harry sent Vasillac into my territory and took out the Screaming Maiden. Again, this was a game where I could play to my own strategy, and Harry’s deck did not seem to flow. I won 16 to 9.

Game 8: My Dread Pageant with Toxic Terrors against Harry’s Crimson Court with the Hungering Parasite. Having watched Harry play the Dread Pageant, I wanted to try out my deck. My deck turned out to be quite controlling. Unfortunately, the raw power of the Crimson Court and a few failed key attacks from my fighters—especially a 4-damage attack from Vasillac that was crit-defended—cost me the game. Harry won 16 to 12.

My Dread Pageant


This month, I painted 15 miniatures (for a total of 67 this year) and bought zero. All these miniatures were for my existing Gloomspite Gitz force and allowed me to complete my Gloomspite Spearhead. As a result, I was able to tick off:

  • Do not buy any miniatures in a month.
  • Paint more miniatures than are bought.
  • Paint a unit for an existing army.
As much as I enjoy playing with Magore's Fiends, I do not think it is very difficult to get 2 objectives they can score consistently, as their faction deck is extremely poor. They have great ploys and the fighters themselves are effective but overall, I do not think I will be taking them to the tournament. I have been extremely impressed with Harry's Hungry, Hungry Vampires (the Crimson Court paired with the Hungering Parasite) they score consistently well, and the fighters are all effective fighters. I think this pairing is a force to be reckoned with. My search for a tournament deck will have to continue.

(Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

Checkout my Hobby Goals for more articles

That is all for this month. Bye for now.


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