Hobby Goals - July '24


July came around, and I had one goal in mind: to paint my 58th Underworlds warband, the Shadeborn. This warband would complete my collection, meaning I had painted all the warbands released to date.


When painting the Shadeborn, I wanted them to connect with my other Daughters of Khaine warband. However, they needed to be distinct since they are Khanites rather than Witch Aelves. I used my Daughters of Khaine guide but swapped out the red clothing for purple and burgundy. I finished the warband at the start of the month, meaning I had "nothing" left to paint.

Although my pile of shame has significantly reduced over the last two years, I decided to buy ten Squig Hoppers to complete my Gloomspite Gitz spearhead. As I am batch painting the unit, it is taking some time, but the basecoats and shades are nearly done.

I got a little bored with the Squig Hoppers and decided to paint a few more Nighthaunts. I built and painted five Bladeheist Revenants over a couple of days to finish something.

With the Nighthaunts complete, I went back to the Squig Hoppers. Although I did not finish them, I made solid progress. Next month, I will complete this unit, finalizing my second Age of Sigmar spearhead.

By the end of July 2024, I had once again successfully "painted a Warhammer Underworlds warband." Additionally, I had "painted a unit for an existing army." In total, I have painted 52 miniatures this year, with nine completed this month. I also purchased 17 miniatures: five are already painted, ten are nearly done, and two are yet to be built. Next month, I do not intend to buy any more miniatures unless a new Underworlds warband is released (see last month's Hobby Goals for my prediction).


This month, I managed to play three games of Underworlds. All three of the decks I used can be found in my Nemesis Deck Library.

In the first game, I tried to learn how to use the Exiled Dead. I paired the warband with Beastbound Assault, but it was only my second time trying these zombies. My opponent used the Sepulchral Guard paired with Rimelocked Relics. They quickly took the lead by moving and pushing skeletons onto objectives. I found it difficult to use my fighters efficiently and could not remove the Sepulchral Guard quickly enough. As such, my objectives started to brick in my hand. I ended up losing this game but learned a little more about the Exiled Dead. I will have to keep trying them.

The second game saw my beloved Mournflight up against the Starblood Stalkers with Paths of Prophecy. My opponent was a novice, so it was a bit of a tutorial game. I paired my banshees with the Malevolent Masks, having seen a few people play this combination. Upon playing the game, I found the deck worked well but was quite dull to play. The Masks helped the banshees score objectives but equally reduced the effectiveness of their attacks. This is because the mask upgrades do not really improve the banshees' attacks without reducing their number of activations. I easily won this game but did not particularly rate the combination.

The third game saw my Mournflight up against the Skinnerkin using their Rivals deck. I paired my Mournflight with Tooth and Claw. I had never played against the Skinnerkin, so this proved to be an interesting game. My banshees started well, gaining the needed seed glory to start playing my upgrades. Additionally, I inspired three of my fighters early on. In the second round, my inspired and upgraded banshees remained in my territory and No-one's Land but went on the offensive. By the end of the second round, both my opponent and I each had two fighters remaining. By the middle of the third round, I had killed the remaining two ghouls. The game ended 19 to 12 in my favor. I am now keen to try the Skinnerkin. They seem reasonably resilient, and their objectives score well.

Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

Checkout my Hobby Goals for more articles

That is all for this month. Bye for now.


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