
Showing posts from July, 2024

Hobby Goals - July '24

  July came around, and I had one goal in mind: to paint my 58th Underworlds warband, the Shadeborn. This warband would complete my collection, meaning I had painted all the warbands released to date. Painting When painting the Shadeborn, I wanted them to connect with my other Daughters of Khaine warband. However, they needed to be distinct since they are Khanites rather than Witch Aelves. I used my Daughters of Khaine guide but swapped out the red clothing for purple and burgundy. I finished the warband at the start of the month, meaning I had "nothing" left to paint. Although my pile of shame has significantly reduced over the last two years, I decided to buy ten Squig Hoppers to complete my Gloomspite Gitz spearhead. As I am batch painting the unit, it is taking some time, but the basecoats and shades are nearly done. I got a little bored with the Squig Hoppers and decided to paint a few more Nighthaunts. I built and painted five Bladeheist Revenants over a couple of days