My Fifth Warhammer Underworlds Tournament - Agents of Sigmar Wintermaw Clash 2024

Checkout my Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles.

On May 11th, I participated in my fifth Warhammer Underworlds tournament, hosted by Pete and Robin of the Agents of Sigmar. The venue was once again the Gamers Guild in Redhill. In recent months, I've experimented with a variety of warbands, but for this tournament, I chose Lady Harrow's Mournflight once more. This time, however, I brought a new deck I had never used before, which I've dubbed 'Savage Scream,' pairing the Mournflight with Tooth and Claw.

The deck list can be found over on my Nemesis Deck Library.

Game 1

In the first game, I faced Jon and his Plaguepack. Skabbik was teamed with Voidcurse Thralls. The game started well; I aimed to inspire my banshees and score some objectives (including Inescapable Hunger) in the first round, managing to kill Itchitt. This provided the glory needed to upgrade a few fighters and inspire some banshees. Jon scored a few objectives and inspired his warband too. In the second round, I sought to extend my slight lead. I charged with an inspired yet injured Lady Harrow at Rabidus, positioning myself next to Skritter. I succeeded in killing Rabidus. However, during the Power Phase, when I attempted to play Shared Agony to eliminate Skitter, Jon presented an FAQ that prevented me from killing the rat. Unaware of this rule change, my strategy was disrupted as it hinged on Skritter's demise. Jon skillfully used Skitter to play Power cards, provide support, and score objectives. By the third round, I was ahead, but as the third activation ended, I found myself struggling while Jon continued to score his Surges. Entering the End Phase, I was leading 13 to 12 in glory. I scored a two-glory objective, but Jon achieved all three of his, including Reshaped Realm, a 4 glory card, earning him 7 glory. The game concluded with a 19 to 15 loss for me. The FAQ regarding Skritter might have seemed trivial, but it significantly disrupted my plans.

Game 2

In the second game, I faced Martin, a familiar adversary at our local monthly club. Martin played Zondra's Gravebreakers in tandem with Toxic Terrors. Unfamiliar with how his deck operated, I found myself 'long-boarded' by Martin after he won the initial roll-off. Having lost the subsequent roll-off, I took the first turn. I advanced the Anguished One and secured the objective Fleeting Memories. Before my next move, I employed Call of the Grave and Frightful Aspect to pull Toyle into my domain. Throughout the rest of Round One, I utilized Toyle to inspire my warriors before dispatching him in the fourth activation. Regrettably, I failed to achieve my end phase objectives since I couldn't position Lady Harrow within enemy lines for Focal Point. Since I went first, the Anguished One remained uninspired, leaving Tides of Malice unattained. The struggle felt steep. Martin scored four points in the opening round, matching my tally. He invested this glory to enhance Zondara and Ferlain with two upgrades, inspiring them both.
During the second round's first activation, I launched the Anguished One to eliminate Cracktomb, but she ended up next to Ferlain. Ferlain struck back, slaying her by pushing her through a lethal hex. Reacting to this, Lady Harrow moved to Ferlain's side. In my second activation, Lady Harrow, now empowered with Gifted Ferocity and holding Dark Command (in my hand), attacked Ferlain. True to the day's pattern, she missed, rolling a mix of Hammers and Single Supports (she ended up doing this in every game). Zondara, seizing her turn, targeted Lady Harrow with Reshaped Darts. Unexpectedly, Ferlian also struck Lady Harrow with Salvaged Intelligence, leading to her downfall. At that juncture, defeat seemed inevitable. With two activations left in the second round, I was unable to leverage them for any objectives. Nonetheless, I managed to position the Screaming Maiden in a cover hex.

In the third round, my chances of scoring additional objectives were slim. Ultimately, I tried to eliminate a few zombies, but the loss of Lady Harrow completely thwarted my strategy. The game ended with a score of 18-9 against me.


At lunch, I discussed my deck with Martin and Harry. I realized that I hadn't been using the deck as intended. In the morning, my approach with my warband was overly aggressive. In the afternoon, I needed to focus on playing according to my objectives.

Game 3

In the third game, I faced Paul and his Hexbane's Hunters. Hexbane was teamed with Tooth and Claw. I arranged the boards with a full offset and positioned my fighters at the rear. The first round involved moving my banshees onto objectives, securing both Fleeting Memories and One Will. Brydget charged in, firing her pistols at point-blank range at Lady Harrow, leaving her exposed. I then used Brydget to inspire Lady Harrow and withdrew from the Witch Hunters. My standoff tactic forced Paul to advance towards my warband. By the end of the first phase, Paul managed to score only Proof of Guilt since all my fighters were within my territory.

In the second round, Brydget eliminated the Screaming Maiden, signaling the need to remove her, which I promptly did with the Widow. Paul attempted to take out Lady Harrow with Quiet Pock but failed. For the remainder of the round, he couldn't reach me. I kept scoring glory, taking out one of the hounds and earning Paragon of Ferocity. Moving into the third round, I was ahead, and Paul couldn't prevent me from scoring. I utilized the Widow's ability to move to the enemy territory's far corner, safe from any threat. Next, I pulled back my other surviving fighter to the far corner of my territory. I regretted this move slightly, as it left Paul with no further play options. The game ended 11-6 in my favor, having achieved my objectives.

Game 4

In the fourth game, I faced Neil, another club member, with Skaeth's Wild Hunt. Skaeth was paired with Breakneck Slaughter. The boards were offset, and I positioned my fighters at the back of my board. The game began with Sheoch charging to attack the Anguished One. I used Call of the Grave to draw Sheoch deeper into my territory, allowing me to swarm my warband around him and inspire them. By the end of the first round, all my fighters were inspired, and I had scored Inescapable Hunger and Fleeting Memories. During the End Phase, I achieved all my objectives, including Focal Point, after employing Soaring Spite to position Lady Harrow in enemy territory next to Skaeth. Neil managed to gain only one glory. In the second round, I swiftly eliminated Skaeth and continued accumulating glory. With the Mournflight inspired and upgraded with Beastcaller and Debilitating Aura, Neil struggled to land successful attacks. By the third round's end, I had taken control of the game, seizing opportunistic kills when possible but primarily concentrating on my objective card. I lost only the Screaming Maiden and scored my entire objective deck, winning the game 21-10.

Game 5 

In the fifth game, I faced Martin and his Chosen Axes, paired with Breakneck Slaughter. Having played the Axes a few months prior, I was aware of their slow pace but devastating impact. Like the previous games, my strategy was to score my objectives early, including arranging my fighters to become savage for Embraced Savagery. I also used Frightening Aspect to displace Mad Maegrim, setting him within the Widow's reach, who I had enhanced with Hollow Hatred and Gifted Ferocity. The Widow then charged and eliminated the Duardin. By the end of the phase, two Axes, Vol and Tefk, were inspired, but Martin managed to earn only one glory. In the second round, holding surges like Toyed With and Paragon of Ferocity in my hand posed a dilemma, as scoring them meant engaging with the Duardin, which favored Martin's strategy over mine. I opted to stick to my plan, focusing on objectives and targeting isolated fighters. This tactic limited Martin's glory while I continued to score. By the second End Phase, I claimed Nexus of Terror, having the majority of objectives after the inspired Duardin vacated them. The third round involved exchanges of attacks with the enemy. In the final End Phase, I secured Dominion of Death. Despite the low overall score, I emerged victorious with a comfortable 13-5 win.

Finishing Position

I ended the day with a record of three wins and two losses. My Glory difference stood at +11, having scored 69 points throughout the day. This performance secured me the 6th place out of 18 participants, just one spot shy of my previous Underworlds Tournament finish. I was quite satisfied with the result and even won some acrylic tokens. I can't help but wonder how I might have performed if I had the chance to practice with the deck beforehand.

I plan to continue playing with Lady Harrow's Mournflight and am eager to test them with a new Rivals deck, like Hungering Parasite. I'm also considering experimenting with a completely different warband, perhaps Myari's Purifiers.

The tournament was immensely enjoyable, and I had the opportunity to compete against five fantastic players. The atmosphere was pleasant and relaxed. The best-of-one format worked well, with each game lasting about an hour, which felt just right, thanks in part to Robin and Pete's timely reminders. I'm grateful to the Agents of Sigmar for their dedication to fostering a vibrant community in the South-East of England and hope they will organize more events in the future.

First Tournament - Using Xandire's Truthseekers with Tooth and Claw

Second Tournament  - Using Magore's Fiends with Tooth and Claw

Third Tournament  - Using Lady Harrow's Mournflight with Force of Frost

Fourth Tournament  - Using Lady Harrow's Mournflight with Force of Frost

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions drop them in the comments below.


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