Hobby Goals - May 2024

In May, I had one primary goal, which was to finishing painting three Warhammer Underworlds warbands. These were: The Crimson Court, Skittershank's Clawpack and Daggok's Stab-ladz. I had started all the warbands in previous months.

I began by turning my attention to the Crimson Court. I had already completed Gorath and Ennias, and I always paint the leaders last, so this left me Vellas Von Faine. I wanted to keep the warbands theme colours of red and black, but also emphasis the individual nature of this vampire. With Vellas complete, I moved onto Prince Duvalle. I continued with the theme of bright steel armour, edged with bronze and complemented with red (crimson) cloth. With Duvalle and Vellas complete, I had completed 'Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband'.

Prince Duvalle and Vellas Von Feine

With the Crimson Court, I moved onto the Skittershank's Clawpack. I again had two fighters that needed painting. Skittershank, himself and Kreep. For these miniatures, I used my How I Paint - Clan Eshin guide. I began by apply the basecoats to both miniatures before applying the washes. Then it was all about brightening up the miniatures with layers of highlights. Upon finishing these, I had finished my second warband for the month. 

Skittershank and Kreep

Next up was Daggok Fink-Steala, the leader of the Stab- Ladz. Having finished the rest of the Orruks a few months ago, I had just Daggok left to complete the warband.  I painted him using the scheme I had develop for my other Kruleboyz. I had now completed my third warband.

Daggok Fink-Steala

This month, I bought no new miniatures and have painted five (thirty eight for the year so far), finishing three warbands. This allowed me to tick off 'Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought' and 'Do not buy any new miniatures in a month'. I now have only two warbands to complete to finish the current Warhammer Underworlds range. Next month, I aim to complete at least one of these two warbands, either the Brethren of the Bolt or the Shadeborn.

On Saturday the 11th of May, I attended the Agents of Sigmar's Wintermaw Clash in Redhill, my fifth Warhammer Underworlds tournament. This allowed me to tick off 'Play in a Warhammer Underworlds tournament'.

You can find my report on the event here. Agent's Clash - May 2024

While preparing for the tournament I had played a range of games. The main warband I had been learning to use was Skaeth's Wild Hunt. When the tournament eventually came around, I decided to return to me beloved Mournflight.

I also visited the Agents of Sigmar for a live stream.

Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

Checkout my Hobby Goals for more articles

That is all for this month. Bye for now.


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