Hobby Goals - April 2024



April rolled around and the 'clocks' were moved forwards. This provided an additional daylight hour in the evening, I could now paint for longer in the day (I am not a fan of lamp light). I started the the month by painting up Elathain, Ill Fated, which allowed me to complete the Soulraid. Immediately, I could tick off 'Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband'. I wanted to paint Elathain as I was intending to try using this warband in some games. How I paint - Idoneth

Next, I wanted to continue working on Zondara's Gravebreakers. I picked up Ferlain and painted this werewolf in a range of dark grey colours. With Ferlain finished, I took a look at Zondara and felt that she was more detailed than I wanted to tackle at that moment.

Next I returned to Daggok's Stab-Ladz. I painted up Hurrk, Da Howla before moving onto Jagz, Da Bleeda. I painted these Orruks to match Da' Kunnin Krew. Before I could move onto Daggok a parcel arrived in the post!  

Wintermaw arrived t and I immediately built the Skinnerkin and started painting them. I used to run a Vampire Counts army made up of ghouls back in my Warhammer Fantasy Battle days.  I used my How I Paint Flesh Eaters Court - Ghouls guide, a scheme I have been using for around 20 years! I applied the basecoats and shades to all five miniatures before moving onto the highlights. I am really pleased with how this warband turned out and will have to get some games in with them soon. In addition, I had completed my second warband for the month.

Having completed my second warband, I wanted to finish a third! I returned to the Gravebreakers and painted Zondara. I used the dark green colour to link Zondara to Ferlain. She ended up being quite easy to paint, but with her completed I had finished my third warband of the month.

I now have only fourteen miniatures, across five warbands, left to paint for the whole Warhammer Underworlds range. This should only take two or three more months. 

Gaming this month

Gaming-wise, I have been trying a few new warbands and Nemesis decks in Warhammer Underworlds. 

I had a very bad experience using the Exiled Dead combined with Beastbound Assault. I came up against Harry's Arenai (one of main opponent's).  Gryselle ended up gaining Scything attacks and shredded my Zombies and then Deintalos in short order. 

I then tried Elathain's Soulraid with Force of Frost against Zarbag's Gitz using their Rivals deck. I won this game but found it difficult to take enemy fighters out of action. I will need to explore ways to improve the damage output of the Soulraid.

Then I return to my 'beloved' Mournflight, this time Paired with Daring Delvers. I played them against Hedkrakka's Madmob Paired with Breakneck Slaughter. For the whole game I was in control but lost in the third end phase. Both Harry and I only had one fighter remaining. As a result, I scored nothing but Harry scored 7 Glory winning the game 18 v 13. On a plus side, this was a far closer score than I have every achieved against the Madmob with my banshees.

I took the Daring Mournflight out for another two games. This time against Rimelocked Dread Pageant. I lost one game badly and won the other. Even though I won, and I was in control for the whole game, the deck did not score well, with objectives bricking far too often.

I also tried my Breakneck Wild Hunt against Rimelocked Starblood Stalkers. The Seraphon scored freely throughout the whole game, especially in the end phase of round 2 where they picked up 6 glory to my single glory. As such, this game was also a loss.

So, after a number of games this month, I am still searching for a new deck to take to a future tournament. Even though I lost a lot this month, I have test a range of ideas and gained plenty of new insights into game.  The decks for these games can be found on my Deck Library Page.

This month I bought no new miniatures and I managed to paint eleven miniatures (bring my total for the year to thirty three). As such, I can tick off:

  • Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought.
  • Buy no miniatures in a month.

Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

Checkout my Hobby Goals for more articles

That is all for this month. Bye for now.


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