How I Paint - Idoneth

The Idoneth are the Sea Aelves of Age of Sigmar. This made me want to paint these Aelves with a range of blue colours. 

More of my How to paint... articles can be found here.

Undercoat with Chaos Black

Akhelian Flesh

Basecoat with a 1:1:1 mix of Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh and White Scar. This will need a few thin coats to get a smooth finish. Shade the recesses with thinned (with Lahmian Medium) Reikland Fleshshade. Further shade the deeper recesses with Reikland Fleshshade. Highlight the flesh with :1:1 mix of Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flesh and White Scar. Further highlights with the previous mix with additional White Scar. 

Namarti Flesh

Basecoat with Ionrach Skin. The paint should be thinned with water and applied in several coats to get a nice smooth finish. Recess shade with a mix of Ionrach Skin and Dark Reaper. Add further Dark Reaper for deeper recesses. Tidy up with Ionrach Flesh. Highlight with Deepkin Flesh. Subtle highlights with Deepkin Flesh mixed with White Scar. Brand painted in with Reikland Fleshshade thinned with Lahmian Medium.


Basecoat with Leadbelcher. Basecoat with Stormcast Silver. Wash with Coelia Greenshade. Highlight with Stormcast Silver.


Basecoat with Thousands Sons Blue. Shade with Thousands Sons Blue and Abaddon Black. Add additional Abaddon Black for deeper recesses. Tidy up with Thousands Sons Blue. Then highlight with a mix of Thousands Sons Blue and Ahriman Blue. Further Highlights with Ahriman Blue. Final highlight with Ahriman Blue mixed with Temple Guard Blue.

Inner cloth

Basecoat with Celestra Grey mixed with a little Corax White. Highlight with Ulthuan Grey and then with Ulthuan Grey and White Scar.

Wave pattern on the cloth

Basecoat with Fenrisian Grey. Highlight with Fenrisian Grey and White scar.


Basecoat The Fang. Wash with Nuln Oil. Highlight with The Fang and then with Russ Grey.


Basecoat with Jakearo Orange. Basecoat with Troll Slayer Orange. Wash with Gryph-hound Orange mixed with a little Lahmian Medium. Highlight with Troll Slayer Orange and then with Fire Dragon Bright.


Basecoat with a 1:1 mix of Retributor Gold and Stormcast Silver. Wash with Wlydwood thinned with Lahmian Medium. Highlight with 1:1 mix of Retributor Gold and Shining Silver. Further edge highlights with additional Stormcast Silver added to the previous mix.


Basecoat with Abaddon Black. Highlight with Eshin Grey. Highlight with Mechanicum Standard Grey.


Basecoat with Mephiston Red. Top shade with Mephiston Red and Abaddon Black. Lower highlight first with Evil Suns Scarlet, then with Wild Rider Red and finally with Troll Slayer Orange. Add a spot of White Scar to the top of the gem for a shine.


Basecoat the fins with Wraithebone. Then basecoat again with Ushabti Bone. The fins were then washed with Fuegan Orange thinned with Lahmian Medium. The fins were highlighted first with Ushabti Bone thinned with water. Then with Screaming Skull thinned with water.


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