Hobby Goals - March 2024


March arrived and I wanted to complete another Warhammer Underworlds warband. Last month, I painted a few miniatures from four different warbands. I had wanted to paint a range of miniatures. 

I began the month by painting a second member of the Crimson Court, Gorath the Enforcer to add to Ennias, who I had painted last month.

Early on in the month, I had an idea that I might like to try playing with Cyreni's Razors. I do not like to play with unpainted miniatures, so I decided to paint the two Namarti fighters, Alathyrr and Renglaith. Then I moved onto the leader of the Warband, Cyreni of the Abyss. Having established the scheme on the Namarti, Cyreni was straightforward to paint. How I Paint - Idoneth

With Cyreni complete, I could tick off 'Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband'. 

I have been enjoying painting the Idoneth, it took me a little time to find a scheme I liked but I am happy now. With Cyreni's Razors complete, I turned my attention to some other Idoneth, Elathain's Soulraid from Direchasm. Last month, I had painted Spinefin and Duinclaw, now I wanted to paint Fuirann and Tammael. I decided I did not want to paint Elathain. For now, I was done with Idoneth.

Next, I moved onto Daggok's Sab-Ladz. I started with Grakk Da Hook. While I was painting Grakk, Zondara's Gravebreakers arrived in the post. I finished Grakk and immediately built the warband.

I started by painting the zombies, Cracktomb, Pikk and Toyle. I used my How I Paint - Zombies guide.

This month I have painted ten miniatures (bringing the total for the year to twenty two so far), but I bought the Grave breakers, the Rivals of the Mirrored City and the new core set, Wintermaw. As such, I cannot tick off 
  • Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought.
  • Buy no miniatures in a month.
Gaming wise, I decided I want to start practising with a new warband. I have had good success with Lady Harrow's Mournflight and while I do not wish to leave the warband completely behind, I do want to try something else. I am a fan of Flex warbands but I decided to give Skaeth's Wild Hunt, an aggro warband, a go. I paired them with Breakneck Slaughter and took them for whirl against Zondara's Gravebreakers at my local club. I won but the flow of the deck did not feel quite right. I will need to give it another try.

Overall, a good month hobby and I am nearing my goal of painting all the Warhammer Underworlds warbands. I expect to finish sometime in the summer. Next month, I intend to keep working through my warbands and I need to get some more gaming practise in, as I have another tournament in May.

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