My Fourth Warhammer Underworlds Tournament - Agents of Sigmar Deathgorge Clash 2024

Checkout my Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles.

On the 24th February, I attended my fourth Warhammer Underworlds tournament organised by Pete and Robin from the Agents of Sigmar. Again we were in Redhill, at the Gamers Guild. Having been practising with Lady Harrow's Mournflight for the past few months I took them again. 

The deck list can be found over on my Nemesis Deck Library.

Game 1

My first game ended up as a bye due to uneven numbers, but I played against Robin with his Grymwatch paired with Malevolent Masks. Robin, with his usual dice luck, and I, unfortunately, lacking any, set the tone for the match. Throughout the game, I only managed about four successful dice rolls, making it challenging for my deck to get the Glory train rolling. By the end of the first round, the score was 4 v 1 against me, and I had not managed to eliminate a single ghoul. Despite this, I had successfully inspired all my fighters. Unfortunately, so had the Grymwatch, as Robin successfully drove my ghosts out of his territory. At the start of the second round, I won the initiative and charged Master Talon with the Widow. Finally, I secured a kill and also scored Break the Ice and Cold-Blooded for a three-glory kill! However, things took a turn for the worse. Robin continued to score his objectives and eliminated my banshees. The final score was 17 v 10 against me. Thankfully, the round ended up being a bye!

Game 2

My second game pitted me against Aaron's Sons of Velmorn paired with Voidcursed Thrall. My initial Objectives hand contained
Fleeting Memories and Nexus of Terror, prompting me to focus on Objective tokens. Additionally, I needed to inspire my fighters. Aaron seized the first activation, maneuvering his Voidcursed Jedran onto the objective token in no-man's land and unsuccessfully attacking the Maiden. In response, I used Call of the Grave to draw King Velmorn into my territory, allowing my fighters to move through him and begin inspiring. Despite my efforts, I couldn't reach enough Objective tokens by the end of the first round. Nevertheless, I had successfully inspired all my fighters, scored Fleeting Memories, and inflicted injuries on King Velmorn and Thain Fourth-and-Last.

The overall scoring in the first round was low. Moving into Round 2, the Widow attempted an attack against the King but was unsuccessful. In my power step, I played Time Freeze on the Screaming Maiden and Lady Harrow. Aaron then eliminated the Widow and injured the Anguished One in quick succession. With two activations left, I charged the King with the Maiden, unsuccessfully attacking but forcing him into a trapped position. Subsequently, Lady Harrow charged and killed the King. The final activation of the round resulted in the Anguished One being killed. The game remained low-scoring at 8 v 6 against me.

Entering the Third round, I utilized Lady Harrow's reaction push, along with Debilitating Aura, to neutralize Aaron's attacks. I proceeded to eliminate Jedran for two glory. Finishing the round, I spread out my fighters and claimed objective token 4. In the end phase, I scored Chill of the Grave and Cold of the Void, bringing the score to 12 v 12, with me winning on objectives.

At this point we reached the lunch break and I was hoping my dice would be more favourable for the afternoon, as at this point only my objective deck was keeping me in the tournament.

Game 3

The third game placed me against Laura's Hexbanes Hunters with Malevolent Masks. Laura initiated the action by charging with Bridget. One of the dogs reacted, moving to provide support. To my advantage, this maneuver proved to be a mistake, as it left an enemy fighter in my territory, allowing the banshees to move through and inspire. In Round 1, all my ghosts inspired, and Lady Harrow successfully eliminated Bridget. As usual, the glory total was low for both warbands, but my fighters were inspired, and I accumulated a bit of seed glory for upgrades, including Maddening Hunger and Hallow Hatred.

Moving into Round 2, I attacked and injured Hexbane, inspiring Amos. Hexbane retaliated and killed the Widow. I used Lady Harrow's push to position myself next to Hexbane, and she subsequently eliminated Hexbane. Amos then charged and killed the Anguished One. The violence continued as Lady Harrow charged and killed Amos, only to be shot and killed in return by Pock. By the end of Round 2, I had only the Screaming Maiden remaining, while Laura had Pock and the two dogs. However, I did manage to score Cold of the Void. 

Winning the roll-off for initiative, I charged straight into Pock, scoring a critical hit that removed Pock from play and inspired the dogs. Laura then played the Mask upgrade Viitrix's Eye on one of the dogs and proceeded to shoot at the Maiden with both an activation and Taking Over. Opting for a hasty retreat, I hid behind some blocked hexes. With two activations remaining, I drew an objective card (having discarded Creeping Dread) and drew into Inescapable Hunger. At this point, Laura was cycling through her remaining objective cards. For my final activation, I couldn't gain any glory for a kill since both dogs still remained, but I could move through the blocked hexes and score Inescapable Hunger. The game ended 15 v 11 in my favor, providing an excellent and closely contested match all the way to the end.

Hexbane in a tight spot at the start of turn 2

Game 4

My fourth game positioned me at table 2 in the tournament, facing off against Dan with his Arenai paired with Breakneck Slaughter  Notably, my primary practice opponent has been the Arenai, giving me a solid strategy for this game. Winning the roll-off for boards, I offset the block hexes of the Shattered Tower to funnel the Arenai into a kill zone.

In my first activation, the only banshee in charge range, of the Arenai, went on guard. Dan then charged in with Thrialla, the Lash, hitting me with two crits and a success, fortunately causing only 1 damage. Lady Harrow responded by charging through both a blocked hex and Thrialla to score Inescapable Hunger, secure the kill (with the aid of assists), and inspire. I then upgraded Lady Harrow with Debilitating Aura. Next, Retaria, the Entangler, faced the meat grinder, standing two hexes away from the Maiden and declaring her attack. Lady Harrow reacted, pushing next to Retaria, reducing her attack dice by 1 and causing her to be unsuccessful. Following this, the Maiden charged through Retaria to inspire and successfully attacked, killing her.

Dan then moved up Kalexis, the Silver Blur, and the Widow passed through her to inspire and score Fleeting Memories with the aid of Soaring Spite. The final activation saw Gryselle charge the Widow, and her attack was defended with a crit success. Due to Momentum counters, Gryselle was pushed into an edge hex.

Round 2 saw me take the initiative. In the previous end phase, I equipped the Widow with Maddening Hunger. I charged Gryselle, who was trapped and successfully attacked, leaving her Vulnerable. Dan declared he was going to 'put all his eggs in one basket.' He tooled up Gryselle with Paragon of the Arena, Fatal Flourish, and Daring Flourish. She charged Lady Harrow, making a 5 dice, 4 damage attack. Dan stated this was his one chance to take out Lady Harrow. If this attack was unsuccessful, Gryselle would take one point of damage and be removed from play. I reacted with Dissipate, gaining an innate dodge. Due to Debilitating Aura, Gryselle was down to 4 dice, rolling one hit and no crits. The attack was unsuccessful, and Gryselle died. Dan found this amusing, realizing the game had gotten away from him. We continued to play, and I tabled his whole warband by the start of Round 3. Dan was very gracious in defeat. The game ended 21 v 6 in my favor.

Game 5

In the final game of the tournament, I found myself at the top table facing Nigel and his Hedkrakka's and Breakneck Slaughter warband. As anticipated, the game kicked off with the majority of the Orruks charging forward, leaving only Hedkrakka in enemy territory. The Orruks dealt significant damage to the banshees, inflicting 3 wounds on Lady Harrow. Despite the onslaught, I managed two successful attacks. The first, from Lady Harrow, caused two damage on Wallop. Warpaint Ward stopped one damage, and Thick Hide negated the second point. The second successful attack came from a supported Widow, dealing 3 damage. I attempted to use Shared Agony to heal Lady Harrow and, more importantly, to eliminate Wallop, but his Thick Hide prevented it, proving to be a significant hurdle in my game. By the end of round 1, the score stood at 7 to 1 against me.

Entering the second round, I played Spectral Charge and used the Maiden to charge Hedkrakka. Rolling a crit, I gained a Grievous hit, successfully killing Headkrakka. Unfortunately, Nigel's Orruks retaliated by eliminating Lady Harrow, the Anguished One, and the Widow. The Maiden was left alone in enemy territory. Despite managing to score a few more objectives, Nigel continued to amass glory, scoring 8 in the third end phase. The game concluded with a score of 22 v 8, resulting in a loss for me.

"As I reviewed this game, winning wasn't my expectation, but the card Thick Hide played a crucial role in limiting the quantity of glory I could score. If I had managed to take out Wallop, even with Thick Hide in play, I could have gained at least 3 more Glory (1 for the kill and 2 for Chill of the Grave, which I drew in round 2). Perhaps, this could have slowed down Nigel's glory train and reduced the difference in the final score.

Finishing Position

I finished the day with four wins and one loss (due to the bye). My Glory difference was +12, as I had scored 63 throughout the day. Together, this was enough for me to finish 5th out of 24, equaling my last Underworlds Tournament result. Suffice to say, I was really pleased with the placing, I won some acrylic Tokens and a new card box.

I intend to keep playing Lady Harrow's Mournflight, and would like to try them with a new Rivals deck, such as Malevolent Masks. Equally, I would like to try a completely new warband.

Overall, the tournament was great fun, and I got to play 5 great players. The tournament was nice and relax but felt very busy with 24 players in a relatively small venue. The best of one format was excellent with around one hour to play a game, which was sufficient, especially with Robin and Pete giving plenty of time warnings. I hope the Agents of Sigmar will continue to arrange future events.

First Tournament - Using Xandire's Truthseekers with Tooth and Claw

Second Tournament  - Using Magore's Fiends with Tooth and Claw

Third Tournament  - Using Lady Harrow's Mournflight with Force of Frost

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions drop them in the comments below.

Check out my warbands from other seasons of Warhammer Underworlds:


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