
Showing posts from February, 2024

Hobby Goals - February 2024

February has been a busy month for both my home and work life. As such, my time for painting and gaming has been limited. Having stated this I did find enough time to fit a good number of  activities. At the time of writing, I only have seven Warhammer Underworlds left to paint. These are: The Crimson Court, Elathain's Soulraid, Cyreni's Razors, the Shadeborn, Skitterhank's Clawpack, Daggok's Stab-Ladz and Zondara's Gravebreakers. It most cases, especially the older warbands, I have not painted them as I feel little affinity for the miniatures. I am, however, attempting to finish the whole range this year, so I do not to work through these, in my opinion, less interesting warbands. To this end, I started with Skittershank's Clawpack. Having painted some Skaven recently, I had an idea of how I wanted to paint these miniatures. I started with Krowch't and Skulck. I opted for black cloth on these Night Runners, but as low level Clan Eshin operatives there was s...

Returning to the Mirrored City

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page  for more articles. Warhammer Underworlds (WU) was first released back in the autumn of 2017. Since then, the game has progressed through nine seasons to reach the Deathgorge. At the time of writing, there are over 50 legal WU warbands, but it is very difficult to get hold of the cards for warbands from the earlier seasons. As WU is a competitive game with a design space to be played in tournaments, it can be challenging for newer players to practice against older warbands. Without practise against warbands, this can be disadvantageous in tournaments.  Back in 2023, GW released their second WU Starter set, which contained the Farstriders and the Sepulchral Guard (the first, released in 2019, contained the Storm of Celestus and the Wraithcreepers). Both of these warbands had been part of Shadespire, the original season of WU. Importantly, the starter box, along with the re-release of the miniatures, also provided updated R...

My Fourth Warhammer Underworlds Tournament - Agents of Sigmar Deathgorge Clash 2024

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page  for more articles. On the 24th February, I attended my fourth Warhammer Underworlds tournament organised by Pete and Robin from the Agents of Sigmar. Again we were in Redhill, at the Gamers Guild. Having been practising with Lady Harrow's Mournfligh t for the past few months I took them again.  The deck list can be found over on my  Nemesis Deck Library . Game 1 My first game ended up as a bye due to uneven numbers, but I played against Robin with his Grymwatch paired with Malevolent Masks. Robin, with his usual dice luck, and I, unfortunately, lacking any, set the tone for the match. Throughout the game, I only managed about four successful dice rolls, making it challenging for my deck to get the Glory train rolling. By the end of the first round, the score was 4 v 1 against me, and I had not managed to eliminate a single ghoul. Despite this, I had successfully inspired all my fighters. Unfortunately, so had the Gr...

Lady Harrow's Mournflight

Skip to conten Hello, my name is Jonathan Grant, and I live in the South East of England. I've been playing Games Workshop's games since 1990. I initially started with Warhammer Fantasy Battle back in the 3rd edition and continued playing until the game concluded a few years ago. After that, I ventured into Age of Sigmar, but due to time constraints compared to my younger years, I played very little. Nevertheless, I did manage to assemble a couple of armies, including a sizable Nighthaunt force. Eventually, Warhammer Underworlds was released, and I purchased the game primarily for painting the miniatures. I distinctly remember being impressed with the initial Sepulchral Guard miniatures. I started actively playing the game after searching YouTube for videos on 'How to play Warhammer Underworlds.' By this point, we were in the later stages of the Nightvault season. During this period, I came across the Agents of Sigmar's YouTube channel. Joining their Discord, I disc...

How I Paint - Skaven - Clan Eshin

As I continue to work through the various Warhammer Underworlds warbands, I finally reached Skittershank's Clawpack. The Clawpack are a group of Clan Eshin Skaven. I decided to paint them in classic scheme of brown fur and black robes. Here is my guide.  More of my  How to paint... articles  can be found here. Undercoats The miniature was undercoated with Chaos Black spray . I then gave the whole miniature a basecoat of Mournfang Brown thinned, with water. Once the basecoat was dry, I gave the fur a very light drybrush with Karak Stone .  This may look a little harsh but the washes will fix this in a later stage. Basecoats The next main step, was to block in all the basecoats on the miniature. I began with the flesh on the nose, ears, hands and feet. This was painted with a 1:1 mix of Bugman's Glow and Cadian Fleshtone . I made sure to feather the edges between the fur and flesh on the hands and feet. The eyes were painted in with Mephiston Red.  The tail was p...