
Showing posts from January, 2024

How I paint - Chaos Daemons - Flesh hounds of Khorne

The Flesh Hounds of Khorne are crimson hued half-canine, half-reptilian hunting beasts. Their blank-white eyes are hooded beneath hooded brows and their slavering mouths are full of razor sharp fangs. They have blood matted hair running down their backs and across their shoulders and around their necks are great brazen collars, forged at Khorne's feet.  This is the description of the Flesh hounds, I wanted to achieve in my painting. More of my  How to paint... articles  can be found here. Including Bloodletters of Khorne and Daemonettes of Slaanesh. Paints Required: Chaos Black spray Khorne Red Wazdakka Red Nuln Oil Rhinox Hide Cadian Fleshtone Druchii Violet Carroburg Crimson Warplock Bronze Brass Scorpion Runelord Brass Agrax Earthshade Warpfiend Grey Ulthuan Grey Mechanicum Standard Grey Ushabti Bone Dawnstone Administratum Grey Screamer Pink Undercoat with Chaos Black spray. To begin with basecoat all of the flesh of the miniature with Khorne Red . A little water was added to

Hobby Goals - January 2024

  Happy New Year, and thank you for joining me at the start of 2024. My hobby goals remain similar to last year: Paint more miniatures than I buy in a month. Do not buy any miniatures in a month (I intend to only buy Warhammer Underworlds miniatures this year). Finish painting all the remaining Warhammer Underworlds warbands. January arrived, and there were no miniatures I wanted to buy this month. I had bought Daggok Stab-Ladz on pre-order last month, so they were accounted for in December. I could immediately tick off ' Do not buy any miniatures in January .' Any miniatures painted this month will reduce my pile of shame. To be fair, I have been reducing my pile of unpainted plastic for the last two years. Towards the end of December, I had started painting Da Kunnin' Krew. At the start of January, I continued with Da' Kunnin Krew, finishing the remaining three miniatures: Mannok, Torka Tuffskul, and Krookgrin. A fortnight into the new year, I completed this warband,

How I Paint - Terrain - Wooden Planks

I have really enjoyed painting the Azyrite Ruins and other terrain features for Warcry and the Age of Sigmar. I am beginning to amass a good range of pieces.  Having finished the stonework on these structures, the next next large sections to paint were the wooden planks that make up the broken floors and of course the bell tower. I wanted the wood to be a different colour from the stone but equally to appear as though it did belong in the ruins. I intended to basecoat the 'wood' with grey before shifting its hue with browns and then finishing it off with greens. I recently did an update of this method. I did not like the glossy look of the contrast paint. So I have experimented a little to change the paints I have used. The update is in blue . More of my  How to paint... articles  can be found here.  Paints required: Skavenblight Dinge Wyldwood Agrax Earthshade Rakarth Flesh Deathworld Forest Elysian Green Seraphim Sepia Chaos Black Spray I undercoated the wood with Chaos Blac

How I Paint - Terrain - Moss

When I was painting the Timeworn Ruins, the sheer number of skulls on these pieces really annoyed me. So, I decided to cover them. Then, while out walking, I noticed lots of stone walls covered in moss. I had my idea, now ' how to do it? '.  More of my  How to paint... articles  can be found here.  Materials and paints required: Flock PVA Glue Castellan Green Athonian Camoshade Agrax Earthshade Elysian Green Ogryn Camo Lamenters Yellow Waywatchers Green Biel-tan Green Spatula to apply the 'Moss'. Medium sized round-ended brush Wash brush The 'Moss' is applied to the miniature after everything else is painted. First of all I mix up the Flock and PVA Glue to make a paste. To this add enough Castellan Green and Athonian Camoshade to colour the paste. The paste will dry darker as the white glue becomes transparent. The paste should be runny enough to not crumble when it is applied and but stiff enough to retain its shape when you apply it. If it is too runny, add

How I paint - Terrain - Stone

Over the years, one of my favourite aspects of playing Warhammer has been sending my fully painted army across a board with great terrain.  The really nice feature of terrain is that can be painted easily and quickly with just a few basic techniques, and still look amazing on the table top, no matter how much experience you have. For this tutorial, I am using the Azyrite Ruins. More of my  How to paint... articles  can be found here.  Paints required: Mechanicum Standard Grey Dawnstone Administratum Grey Athonian Camoshade Elysian Green Karak Stone Screaming Skull Agrax Earthshade (optional) Seraphim Sepia (optional) Nuln Oil (optional) Grey Seer (optional) The terrain was first undercoated with Chaos Black. This was then followed by a drybrush with Mechanicum Standard Grey.  I like to use a fairly large, round-ended brush (I have a make-up brush) when I drybrush terrain. When drybrushing, I move the brush around in a circular motion, focusing on raised areas and edges. Sometimes too m