Hobby Goals - December '23


(Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

With Christmas approaching, I had one main aim in December, to finish painting Skabbik's Plaguepack. Last month, I had painted four of these pestilent Plague monks, this month, I needed to finish the last two. 

I repeated my How I Paint - Clan Pestilens guide, for the final two members of the group: Skabbik and Rabidius. With these miniatures painted, I had managed to paint 16 warbands this year, twice the number released this year. In addition, all the warbands from Gnarlwood and Wrydhollow were now complete. I could again tick off 'Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband'.

Earlier in the year, I had started painting Blackpowder's Buccaneers. I had finished all four minions. Now, I just had Gorlok himself to paint. I started on Blackpowder and after a few sessions of painting, he was complete. The 17th warband complete.

With the Buccaneers finished, I decided I wanted to paint the remaining Harrrowdeep warband, the Kunnin' Krew, to complete the season. I started with Shank and Gikkit, the two grots. I find the Kuleboy aesthetic to have a 3rd edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle feel, equally they also feel similar to the Lord of the Rings orcs. As such, I wanted to paint them in a range of browns and damaged iron.

As Christmas approached I stopped painting for the festive season and bought the new Underworlds warband, Daggok Stab-ladz. Therefore, this year I have bought 59 miniatures this year and painted 122, with 78 of them from the Warhammer Underworlds range. Again, I could tick off  'Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought'.

Last year I managed to paint 52 more miniatures than I bought. This year, I managed 63 more miniatures than I bought. Next year, I intend to keep working through my Underworlds warband and continue to shrink my pile of unpainted plastic. I do, however, have enough of a Warhammer Underworlds warband backlog to see me through most of 2024. As I still have 8 warbands to complete from this and previous seasons. Plus, I am sure more will be released next year.

Next year's hobby goals

Checkout my Warhammer Underworlds for more articles.

Checkout my How to paint... articles can be found here.

Checkout my Hobby Goals for more articles

I hope you all return next year. Thank you for reading, if you have any comments drop them below. Bye for now.


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