End of 2023 hobby goals write up
2023 was a good year for my hobby and hobby goals. The year saw a shift from just painting miniatures back to me playing games and attending tournaments, an aspect of the hobby that I had really missed. At the start of the year, I set the following goals: Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought. Buy no miniatures in a month. Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband. Paint a kill team. Paint a unit for one of my existing armies. Paint one of each plane and ground defence for Aeronautica Imperialis. As with 2022, my main aim in 2023 was to reduce my pile of shame and stop buying miniatures I was never going to paint. Paint more miniatures in a month than are bought. I managed to achieve this goal every month during 2023 except January. As a result, I bought a total of 59 miniatures and painted 122. I reduced my pile of shame by 63 miniatures, a very pleasing effort. In additon, this has saved me a substantial quantity of money. Buy no miniatures in a month. Early on in 2...