Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Domitan's Stormcoven

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Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful. 

I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them.

I hope you enjoy.

Basic Premise of the Deck

Domitan's Stormcoven stands as an elite trio of Stormcast Eternal wizards, a formidable force capable of adapting to any opponent's tactics. With a diverse array of magical abilities, their mission is twofold: eliminate enemy fighters and secure vital objectives on the battlefield. In this article, we'll delve into their strategic prowess, exploring their key objectives, gambits, and upgrades.


Knights Victorious

A two Glory End Phase card. Secure an objective in enemy territory and dispatch an enemy fighter using a spell attack. While challenging, this objective becomes more attainable as the game progresses.


Another two Glory End Phase card. Position an inspired friendly fighter on an objective within enemy territory. This objective pairs well with Knights Victorious and gains increasing feasibility in later rounds.

Scouring Arcs

A single Glory Surge objective. Dispatch an enemy fighter with a spell. This objective perfectly complements the Stormcoven's playstyle, emphasizing their mastery over the arcane.

Heavenly Alignment

A single Glory Surge objective. Cast a spell utilizing two or more dice, each bearing a different symbol. Clearly highly dice dependent, but the more spells you cast the more reliable the card becomes. This task aligns seamlessly with the Stormcoven's magical prowess.

Conduit of the Heavens

A two Glory Surge objective. This could be difficult to score as it requires the successfully casting  of four spells. While reliant on dice rolls, the Stormcoven's spell attack capabilities combined with their power deck bolster the likelihood of achieving this objective.


Blaze of the Heavens

Unleash a direct damage spell. A straightforward yet effective offensive option.


Cast a spell inflicting damage while reducing the target enemy fighter's offensive capabilities. An exceptional card with both offensive and defensive benefits.

Howling Gales

Manipulate the battlefield by shifting two enemy fighters closer together. If they end up adjacent, stagger both fighters. This spell proves invaluable for disrupting enemy formations and potentially dislodging them from objectives.

Azyrite Halo

Envelop the fighter in a protective aura, reducing adjacent enemy fighters' attack dice by one for the remainder of the round. A potent defensive spell.

Pillar of Lightning

Transform a designated hex into a perilous zone for enemy fighters. This spell not only adds an extra layer of damage potential but also serves to deter adversaries from critical objectives.


Scrolls of the Spell-Seeker

Enhance the likelihood of successful spellcasting and attacks by converting Focus symbols into Channel (Lightning). This upgrade greatly amplifies the Stormcoven's magical capabilities.

The Liber Fulminus

Extend the range of the fighter's Range 2+ spell attack actions by +1. This upgrade minimizes the risk of counterattacks.

The Crown of Storms

Grant the ability to reroll one dice during a casting roll. This enhancement substantially boosts the chances of successful spellcasting and reduces the risk of backlash.

Herald of the Storms

Bestow an additional point of movement and introduce a reaction after a successful spell attack, allowing for the replacement of a charge token with a move token. This upgrade empowers the fighter for more aggressive engagements.

Master of Ancient Lore

Provide the fighter with a reaction, permitting the drawing of power cards once per round following an opponent's power card play. A crucial asset for cycling through the power deck and accessing a broader range of spells.

My Final Thoughts 

The Domitan's Stormcoven warband represents a formidable magical core in any Rivals deck. Their prowess can be further amplified when combined with complementary decks like Seismic Shock or Force of Frost, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. With a strategic approach and mastery of the arcane, they stand as a beacon of power within the Mortal Realms.


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