Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Xandire's Truthseekers

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Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful. 

I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them.

I hope you enjoy.

Basic Premise of the Deck

The Truthseekers, a trio of formidable Stormcast Eternals and their steadfast companion, Aetherwing Taros, comprise an elite Aggro warband known for their resilience and devastating force. When one of their trio is removed from play, they inspire, unleashing even greater power. This warband is widely regarded as one of the finest starting options in the game, and for good reason.


Brave the Darkness

A single Glory Surge card rewarding aggressive play, scored when all fighters have a Charge counter. It's easily attainable early on and becomes progressively more achievable as the game advances, perfectly aligning with the warband's style.

Banish the Dark

A single Glory End Phase card, scored when a fighter makes a charge action in the preceding phase and is not adjacent to an enemy fighter at round's end. This objective synergizes excellently with Stormrider, especially when her activation is delayed.

Blaze of Glory #3

A single Glory Surge card activated after the warband resolves its second or subsequent reaction in a round. Given that every fighter possesses a reaction, including Taros, this card can be consistently scored. Additional reaction cards in the Power deck further enhance its reliability.

We Suffice #4

A two Glory End Phase card designed for an aggressive warband. It rewards sending two fighters into enemy territory, compelling your opponent to draw closer, creating advantageous situations. A strategic gamble, but one which is well worth it.

Righteous Blows #5

A two Glory End Phase card, achieved when more than half of the enemy warband is removed from play. As an Aggro warband, you're naturally inclined towards achieving this, making it a highly rewarding objective.


The Truthseeker's ploy are great, I always include all five of these in any Nemesis deck.

Called Strike #1

A straightforward card, granting the first fighter in the next activation a reroll on their attack. A crucial boost in accuracy, making it a top choice for this Aggro warband.

Drilled Efficiency #2

Essential for getting Truthseekers into enemy territory and ensuring their survival. This card provides a guard counter to a friendly fighter with a move or charge counter, and can be equally effective in your own territory.

Sigmarite Wardens #3

An excellent ploy for putting multiple fighters on Guard, fortifying your defenses and preparing for enemy onslaughts.

Advance as One #4

Pushing all fighters towards the nearest enemy model, this card offers a strategic advantage, though the direction may not always align perfectly with your plans.

Blazing Arrow #5

Providing +1 dice and Grevious to Stormrider's Range 3+ attack, this upgrade offers a simple yet impactful boost for one activation, albeit limited to Stormrider.


Indomitable Will #1

This upgrade grants a reaction, triggered between the damage step and removing the fighter from the board after an attack. Breaking this card allows the fighter to heal 2, adding an invaluable layer of survivability.

Keepsake #2

An exceptional accuracy buff, allowing the fighter to count single supports as successes. A crucial upgrade for enhancing the Truthseekers' combat effectiveness.

Tempered Sigmarite #3

Offering a substantial defense buff with a reroll on one defense dice, this upgrade greatly enhances a fighter's survivability, particularly when Inspired.

Grip of Serenity #4 

An illusion upgrade reserved for vulnerable fighters, providing +1 dice, +1 damage, and placing the fighter on Guard. A significant power boost, albeit with restrictions.

Unfaltering Stride #5

Granting the fighter a reaction for post-activation pushes, this upgrade, especially effective with Stormrider, facilitates scoring Blaze of Glory and provides strategic flexibility.

My Final THoughts

The Truthseekers' faction cards lay the foundation for an outstanding Rivals deck. While they synergize exceptionally well with Tooth and Card, their versatility also makes them a viable choice for Fearsome Fortress or even Force of Frost. Mastering this deck grants a significant edge in the Underworlds. Share your thoughts and experiences.

Bye for now, and remember, Glory may be fleeting, but the Underworlds endure.


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