Warhammer Underworlds - Top Picks - Skaeth's Wild Hunt

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Nemesis is my preferred format for playing Warhammer Underworlds. However, when I begin playing with a Faction or Rivals deck I am never quite sure which cards to take. My Top Pick guides are the five objectives and five ploys and upgrades that I use when constructing a Nemesis deck. These cards might not be the best but they are the ones I find most useful. 

I originally starting this series as a diary for myself. I would take two of these Top Picks and combine them to build a basic deck, with addition of two additional objective cards. Then I could play some games, before using the experience to improve the deck. Having made these list I thought I would share them.

I hope you enjoy.

Basic Premise of the Deck 

The Wild Hunt embodies a group of Kurnothi Hunters reminiscent of the legendary Wood Elves of old. This warband balances fragility with remarkable speed, requiring precise coordination to dismantle enemy fighters.


Purifying Rites 

A two Glory, End Phase card. Seize control of all objectives within a single player's territory. With careful early-game preparation, this objective can be made more attainable.

Run Down 

A single Glory, Surge card. Take out an enemy fighter during a charge. This objective aptly rewards you for playing the warband as intended.

Aspects of Kurnoth

A single Glory, End Phase card. This card is scored when all friendly fighters are inspired, easily accomplished as the warband inspires during charges. Additionally, this card is not dice dependent.

Run Through

A single Glory, Surge card. Scored when your leader eliminates an enemy fighter. While dice-dependent and contingent on your leader's survival, Skaeth has a pivotal role in securing victory with this warband.

Hunt's End

A two Glory, End Phase card. Take down either a fighter with 4+ wounds or control three or more objectives. Depending on the opposing warband, these conditions may fluctuate in achievability. A calculated gamble, but one with ample payoff.


Fleet of Foot

Move a friendly fighter during the Power Phase, facilitating strategic positioning or objective acquisition, without using up an activation.

Hunt in Concert

Push two friendly fighters up to one hex. A valuable card for strategic positioning of fighters or objective seizing.

Strike in Concert

+1 damage for each supporting friendly fighter in the next activation. With some careful positioning this can potentially lead to a decisive strike, though its effectiveness may wane later in the game.

Song of Swiftness

Bestow friendly fighters with +1 move until the end of the round or until Karthaen is removed from play. 

Retrieve Javelin

Providing Skaeth with an extra Javelin, maintaining his attack options as the game unfolds.


Kurnoth's Mark

Provides the fighter with a defence reroll when targeted with an attack. Furthermore, it can be deployed without expending Glory if the fighter dispatches an adjacent enemy. Great on a two dodge fighter.

Hale Charm

Reduces damage dealt to the fighter by 1, significantly improving their survivability.

Shield Slash

Improves Skaeth's attack action with a 3 damage attack. A significant boost for your leader's offensive capabilities.

Great Strides

Provides +2 move, instrumental in positioning fighters where they're needed most.

Vicious Darts

Equips a wizard with a magic missile, boasting both Ensnare and Grievous effects. A valuable card, though its exclusivity to a single fighter places it lower in priority. This card could see a significant boost, if your Nemesis build builds into magic.

My Final Thoughts

These choices from Skaeth's Wild Hunt provide this Flex warband with versatility. The Kurnothi are fast moving and this deck combines well with Tooth and Claw. Alternatively, you might opt to focus on magic and objectives, aligning with the potent strategies of Seismic Shock. Share your insights in the comments section and relish your hunt for glory in the Underworlds. Until next time, bye for now.


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