Kill Team - Meet the Squad - The Catachan 18th 'Swamp Devils'

I have a few armies for Warhammer 40,000, most of which were collected many years ago. Some, like the Tyranids, I periodically add a few miniatures to. There are other factions in 40k that I really like but I do not have the time to collect a force for. With the release of Kill Team, I thought I would collect a unit of Catachans. The majority of the Catachan miniature range has been out for a very long time and their models are showing their age. With a little bit of mixing and matching, I have been able to build (in my opinion) a decent looking squad. This unit is still a work in progress. I hope you like it.

I am building a Veteran Guard Squad, but instead of using the Kreig miniatures from the Octarius box set, I am using Catachans. The idea behind the squad is that they are a group of Veteran Tyranid hunters. They were previously part of a successful campaign that defended a world from a Tyranid Invasion. Now they have been brought to a new world to use their expertise. They will be able to take on my Tyranid Kill Team.

When I originally started this blog, it was always intended to show some of my projects in progress. It never ended up that way until today.

Sergeant 'Ripper' Jackson

The leader of my Kill Team is  Sergeant 'Ripper' Johnson. Sergeant Jackson was a limited release miniature in September 2020. I have built her exactly as the kit was intended. 

She is armed with a Boltgun, a Laspistol and a Chainsword. For Kill Team, I can either choose to equip her with the Boltgun or with a Las Pistol and Chainsword. I am feeling drawn to the later.

Corporal 'Sal' 

The second member of my Kill Team is Corporal 'Sal' Jones, a Confident Veteran. 

When 'Sal' was a green cadet, he followed all the rules, saluting every officer he saw. The other recruits mocked him for his salutes and named him 'Salute', later shortened to 'Sal'. They quickly, however, came to realise that 'Sal' was an excellent soldier, fit for command himself.

My Confident Verteran was built using components from the Catachan Command squad. He is armed with a Boltgun.

Private 'Static' Marconi.

 The third member of my Kill Team is the Comms Veteran, Private 'Static' Marconi.

'Static' is the epitome of calm under fire, remaining resolutely static while he relays Sergeant Jackson's orders.

My Comms Veteran was built using components from the Catachan Command squad. He is armed with a Lasgun. 

Private 'Bones' Cook

The fourth member of my Kill Team is the Sniper Veteran, Private 'Bones' Cook.

'Bones' is an excellent marksman, able to pick out a stalking Lictor from the most dense undergrowth. When relaxing with his squad mates, he loves to gamble with dice.  These dice are the origins of Private nickname. The dice he uses are made from the bones of his targets.

My Sniper Veteran was built using components from the Catachan Command squad. He is armed with a Long Barrelled Lasgun. 

Private 'Needles' Jenner

The fifth member of my Kill Team is the Medic, Private 'Needles' Jenner.

Private Jenner is a no nonsense combat medic. He has no time for any of his squad mates who avoid their broad spectrum vaccines. He knows that the tyranids attack with giant biobeasts but also tiny microscopic organisms. A sick squad member is worse than a dead soldier.

My Medic Veteran was built using components from the Catachan Command squad. He is armed with a Lasgun. 

Private 'Broadside' Haines

The sixth member of my Kill Team is the Gunner Veteran, Private 'Broadside' Haines.

'Broadside' lost an eye to the acid venom of a Tyranid Gargoyle. Now, he couldn't hit the Broadside of a hab-block with a lasgun. His squad mates have given him a grenade launchers to 'frag' swarms of Gaunts. Pinpoint accuracy is no longer required

My Gunner Veteran was built using components from the Catachan Command squad. He is armed with a grenade launcher. 

Private 'Trig' Pyecroft

The seventh member of my Kill Team is the Spotter Veteran, Private 'Trig' Pyecroft.

Private Pyecroft is an outstanding mathematician, able to calculate firing angles and relay targeting coordinates with ease. In combat, he calmly relays firing solutions to the team's artilery support.

My Spotter Veteran was built using components from the Catachan Heavy Weapon teams and the head from the Catachan Command squad. He is armed with a lasgun. 


The eighth member of my Kill Team is the Bruiser Veteran, Private .

My Bruiser Veteran was built using the special Character, Sly Marbo. He is armed with a lasgun, a bayonet and a trench club (his Catachan Knife).

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