How I Paint - Hexbane's Hunter - Trailhounds
Paints required:
- Chaos Black spray
- Eshin Grey
- Abaddon Black
- XV-88
- Reikland Fleshshade
- Balor Brown
- Mournfang Brown
- Boltgun Metal
- Agrax Earthshade
- Skrag Brown
- Pallid Wych Flesh
The dog was undercoated with Chaos Black spray.
The dogs were then given a basecoat of Abaddon Black. This was applied over the entire miniature. The dog was then highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Eshin Grey and Abaddon Black. A further highlight, using the previous mix with additional Eshin Grey, was then applied.
To paint the brown patches, XV-88 was then applied to the dogs muzzle, feet, and chest. Ensure the edges of the patches are feathered into the black regions of the dog. I only applied one coat and as such the patches, appeared a slightly patchy!
The brown patches were washed with Reikland Fleshshade.
Once the wash was dry, the brown patches were highlighted first with XV-88, and then with Balor Brown.
The collar and leather work on the dog was then painted with Mournfang Brown. Any buckles and studs on the leather were picked out with Boltgun Metal. Once dry, the leather and metal was washed with Agrax Earthshade.
Once dry, the leather was edge highlighted with Mournfang Brown, and then with Skrag Brown.
The eyes on the dog were picked out with Pallid Wych Flesh. A dot of Abaddon Black was then applied to the centre of each eye.
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