Hobby Goals - September '23

(Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

August '23                                                                                                                     October '23

September ended up being a very slow painting month. With me only completing three miniatures. I have been busy with work in the main, but also I attended my second Warhammer Underworlds tournament. As such, my painting has been limited to three weekends. I also had to fix the blog site, after I messed it up a month ago.

During September, I did not buy any miniatures. Straight away I could tick off 'Do not buy any new miniatures for a month'. 

My aim for the month was to paint up the remaining members of Hedkrakka's Madmob, for Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm. I had intentions of taking this warband to the tournament. I had painted one of the Orruks, Wallop da Skull a year or so earlier. That left me with three fighters: Hedkrakka, Toofdagga and Dakko Sharp-Stikka. I painted them in fairly natural colours , using animal skin patterns as a guide. Extra colours were kept to primary colours of blue and red. I also wanted warpaint on my fighters, so painted the faces white. I imagined the orruks pasting ash across their heads to look like skulls. 

With these three miniatures complete I could tick off 'Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband' and 'Paint more miniatures in a month than I bought'.

In September, I managed to paint three more miniatures, so, I've painted a total of 98 miniatures this year, with 62 of them from the Warhammer Underworlds range.  That makes 12 warbands for the year.  

That's it for my painting updates this month. I'd love to hear about your painting projects, so please leave a comment below. Happy painting!


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