My Second Underworlds Tournament - Agents Con '23

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On Sunday the 24th of September 2023, I once again journeyed to Market Harborough to play in the Agents Con 23 Nemesis Clash. This time I would taking Magore's Fiends combined with Tooth and Claw. An important point to make, I have never played with Magore's Fiends before!

I built the deck (
Savage Magore's) with the simple premise of getting into my opponent's territory before killing the enemy fighters. The deck had gone through numerous iterations, but I was happy with it. The question is, would I still be happy by the end of the day?


Opponent 1

My first opponent was Andy Smith who was using Ironsoul’s Condemnors with Voidcursed Thralls. 

Game 1 went well. Magore's Fiends charged into his territory and proceeded to hack his fighters. I scored glory well taking down his fighters and ticked through my objective deck scoring almost all the cards I drew. The game ended with all Condemnors dead by the first activation of Round 3. Andy then played out the rest of the game drawing objectives, ironically with all the enemy dead, I could no longer score glory and the game finished 17-13 in my favour. So far, a 100%-win rate with Magore's!

Game 2 let us say did not go as well. Andy of set the boards and then deployed two of his fighters Brodus and Gwynne Ironsoul behind a lethal hex. Two of my fighters could reach Brodus and get into enemy territory if they ran through the lethal. I drew Hurricane Force and Fully Committed in my opening hand, five glory for having my fighters in his territory. I kept these cards and decided to charge! Blood for the Blood God! Ghartok charged through the lethal hex, taking a point of damage and they proceeded to miss Brodus. Brodus hit him back for three damage and killed him. Zharkus charged Brodus through the lethal hex, missed Brodus again. Brodus attacked and killed Zharkus. It was going badly. I had now lost two fighters and could no longer score Fully Committed, Hurricane Force was still on the table. Magore did not have to charge Brodus (Thank Khorne) but instead charged in after Tavian. Yet again I missed. Tavian hit Magore back causing two damage.  Then in the power step Tavian hit me for an Improvised Blow causing a point of damage and pushing me back adjacent to the lethal hex. Then Magore was hit with a Fulminating Blast pushing me one more hex into the lethal. All three of my Blood Warriors were dead by the third activation of round 1. Riptooth moved up into enemy territory, I could still maybe score Hurricane Force. Fourth activation saw Ironsoul take a stroll into my territory. By the end of the first activation of Round 2 all my fighters were dead, and I had lost the game 18-0. It was funny to be fair.

Game 3 the decider. The game played out well with both the Finds and the Condemnors gaining the upper hand at different points in the game. By the third round, I was down to just Magore and Andy had only Ironsoul remaining. The score was 12-9 in Andy's favour, and he charged in with a tooled up Ironsoul (upgrades included Sanctified Armour [-1 damage], Consecrated Pendant [+1 wound], Aetherically Charged Shield [ reroll in defence], Hallowed Aura [heal 1 on a Smash or Crit]) against my Voltron Magore (Internal Surrender, Feral Instincts, Gifted Ferocity, Trophy Hunter and No Respite) and killed Magore! However, Magore had No Respite! Magore attacked back and scored two hits. Ironsoul failed her save, failed her reroll and then failed her Hallowed Aura and died! Magore scored 3 Glory for the kill (a large kill and Trophy Belt), plus an additional Glory for Show of Strength. The game ended 13-13 with everybody dead. That's right, everybody is dead, Dave.

The final score for the tournament round was a draw but I lost on Glory 44-30.


Opponent 2

My second opponent was Alistair S who was using Xandire's Truthseekers with Tooth and Claw.

Game 1 against my second opponent went to plan. I charged into my opponent's territory and hunted down Stormrider. This left Dhoraz isolated to the left of my fighters, preventing him from causing any damage in the first turn. With Stormrider dead both Dhoraz and Xandire inspired, but Taros could not. Round two saw me take out Xandire, with Ghartok and Magore also being sent to Khorne's Realm. In Round 3, Riptooth could either charge Dhoraz or Taros. I choose Taros and tore the bird to pieces. Dhoraz injured from the previous turn proceeded to kill Zharkus, who only had one wound remaining. Riptooth couldn't charge but was 3 hexes away from Dhoraz. I retreated him a single hex. Dhoraz moved towards him for his second activation. Riptooth went on Guard for his third. Dhoraz moved in for his third activation, with Alister saying please don't ping me [with Dark Command]. For my fourth activation I attacked with Riptooth and missed! Then I played Dark Command and killed Dhoraz. Game over, 12 - 8 to me.

Game 2 did not go to plan. In this game, I really struggled to take down his fighters quickly. Xandire who initially recover from a hit from Magore due to Walk It Off, going from being Vulnerable back to a single wound. Then when attacked again by Magore she healed the damage again with Indomitable Will. Eventually, when I did manage to kill her, she triggered her reaction to bring the Vulnerable Dhoraz back to three remaining wounds. In this game my fighters had been working hard, but they just did not have enough baseline damage to one shot the Stormcast fighters. This has a threefold effect: 1. His fighters could keep attacking me, 2. I could not score glory for kills and 3. I could not score glory for Objectives, as mine were based on killing fighters. The game ended 11-11, with Dhoraz standing on an objective, loosing me the game.   

Game 3. Again, I went with my standard tactic of getting my fighter in enemy territory and attacking the first fighters they could reach. Unfortunately, in this game my angry men could not hit anything. Even with ploys and upgrades (using glory from Fully Committed) to provide extra dice, I could not hit any of his fighters. With onlookers looking on, Magore using four dice needing 'Hammers' failed to roll even a single success in two activations. Magore needs to read my article on Attacking Probability. The game continued this way with me rolling miss after miss. Not very good when your objectives require you to kill enemy fighters. As such, I scored little glory as my Objective deck bricked and my fighters were all killed. Game over and 10-4 loss.

The final score for this tournament round was Glory 29-27, a loss.


Opponent 3

Happily, my third opponent was Wolfman Gaz, a fellow Patreon of the Agents of Sigmar, who was fielding Hedkrakka's Madmob with Fearsome Fortress.

In the first game, we both placed Gnarlwood boards, each had quite a visceral look to them. As such both Gaz and I felt the setting was very Khornate and contained a good number of lethal hexes. My angry warriors yet again charged into enemy territory and made short work of Hedkrakka's Madmob by attacking and then pushing the injured Orruk into the Lethal. Hedkrakka died early in the second round having been mauled by Riptooth. All the Madmob were dead by the first activation of round 3 and only Ghartok, yet again, lay dead for the Fiends. I won the game 16-5. Khorne had clearly appreciated the boards.

The Khornate Boards

The second game started well with a nice early take down of Toofdagga. In End Phase, I scored Focal Point and Hurricane Force providing me a solid Glory lead. In the Second round, I quickly took out Hedkrakka again. Then my fighters decided it was time to stop hitting the Orruks. Charging into Wallop, Ghartok missed his attack and was promptly flattened. Magore then attempted the same and was also killed for his troubles. On my final activation, Zharkus charged into Wallop and kill him with a Triple Crit (Blood for the Blood God!). Unfortunately, in the End Phase, Dakko was standing on an objective which prevented me from scoring Ferocious Rampage. The start of the third round saw Dakko Sharp-Stikka, the last of the Madmob, sitting away on his objective shooting at Riptooth, who had already taken 2 wounds. A successful hit saw the Fleshhound driven back into a Lethal hex and killed. With only Zharkus left I could not reach Dakko to attack him. The game ended 15-12 to Gaz.

With only 10 minutes remaining of the round, Gaz and I called it a Draw, as we did not have time to play a decider, and a Glory score of 31-17 in my favour. 

End of the Day

I had a great day of gaming and I had enjoying playing Magore's Fiends. The warband and deck did Ok but the results were all really dice dependent. With a bit of luck Magore's Fiends can just roll over opponents. Equally, as happened in game 2 of each round if the dice gods go against you the warband becomes ineffective and the objective deck bricks. I would like to keep playing Magore’s, but I think I want to combine them with a different Rivals deck, maybe Toxic Terrors.

In the end, I finished in a rather unflattering 25th out of 31. I did learn that I need to play the third game if by the end of the second game it is a draw. I also need to find a deck/warband that does not rely solely on dice roles, because my luck with dice is not great.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Market Harborough, meeting great people, and engaging in lighthearted conversations, I am eagerly looking forward to future events and tournaments in the Warhammer Underworlds community. Thank you to everyone, especially Aaron from Willen Games, and Pete and Robin, the Agents of Sigmar for a great day.

Check out my warbands from other seasons of Warhammer Underworlds:

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